How do you all hold your tongue?

My mother always taught me that if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all but sometimes it’s so hard not to type "are you taking the p**s " when I see posts like this, please tell me how to restrain myself from opening my mouth ?:joy::joy:


I saw that too :flushed:


I’m looking for a 4,000 square foot house with dream kitchen, five bedrooms, and gold-plated fixtures for $10,000. LOL!!!


I have one of those for sale, nice house, you send me money now I send you keys!!




:rofl: :rofl:


There’s a market for everything. Newbies have been able to sell their creations at around those prices. With the discounts BB once offered, it wasn’t too difficult for people to be able to sell painted and assembled reborns for lower than average. Of course, you do get what you pay for. Although, lately there’s been a few decently cute ones for around $100. You could always let the lady know that there are groups that cater to her price range. She can get lucky and find what she is looking for. Heck, there’s been lovely dolls sold at a low price because they have some sort of flaw. I understand that the price is low and that supplies are costly. However, she’s not putting a gun to anyone’s head for them to sell a doll at that price. It’s just her budget and many other’s. I mean, I get where you are coming from. And I do agree, to an extent, but let’s not be snobby about it.

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I don’t think it is an issue with being snobby. It is insulting when artists pay $100 just for materials, and that is not figuring in any labor or payment for the skill of the artist. There would be $0 profit for 40 hours of work. I know when I work a 40 hour week I expect to make some kind of money for my efforts.


Well I wasn’t being snobby about it, I’m one of the least snobby people you could meet, however I’m new to this art and my dolls sell on the lower end but even I couldn’t do that for £100, I have just purchased a very cheap kit on offer for £31, I will need a body for it at £11.50 then all the filling for the body, mohair to root it, I will possible break a few needles rooting so may need to buy more! The doll will need to be dressed in at least a nappy, vest and a onsie, not to mention the amount of paint ect and hours to paint it, I would be practically giving her the doll for free.
That’s not being snobby it’s being realistic, I understand people do not have a large budget but in my world if you can’t afford something you don’t buy it simple!


Exactly, in your world. Key word: your.
Yet, that isn’t how the real world works and I respect your point of view. I just don’t agree with ridiculing a lady, in a forum, when she’s done nothing wrong. All she asked for was a doll within her price range. You can’t help her? Too bad. Someone else can and will. It isn’t a necessity, but people will still buy them. Hence why many have been scammed with the cheaper Chinese knockoffs. I would rather let them know that there are groups that cater to their price range than let them spend their hard earned money on a scam. I said what I said. Don’t be snobby. Or the doll price gatekeeper.

I think people, unless they’re reborn artists, really don’t realize the cost of making these dolls. And…it never hurts to ask. I don’t think they mean to be insulting.


And I respect your opinion, what I don’t respect is the hypocrisy of you accusing me of ridiculing someone (whose name is cropped out) in a forum while at the same time calling me a snob!
My post was about buyers wanting more than their money will stretch to, it was not personal towards that lady unlike your rude comment towards me!


Now would be a good time for all of us to reflect on the original question.


It’s very hard not to say anything sometimes…I’ve been married a long time, lol, However I stick to reading Proverbs and it helps me tremendously. :heart:


@jeanhai, the irony is big!


I sold my dolls for $85. I bought kits on sale for $20. Made my own bodies. Sent home with the outfit they had on. One pacifier and one hair accessory. Got my outfits gently used or on sale for $1-3. Bought pacifiers on sale. Nothing fancy. Kept prices low so I could sale and have money for more kits. The more kits I could work on the more I could improve my skills. I also started processing and coloring my own mohair. Prices would have to go up now due to cost of kits. But it is feasible to make budget babies.

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Perhaps they don’t realize. But I also don’t think it is snobbish for artists to take a little offense at a low-ball request, or to discuss about it.


Yes it’s hard sometimes to keep it to ourselves. I do think reborns that sell for so low hurt our art. It’s not being snoby, it’s being realistic. If people continue to think they can get a nice reborn, new, for so low, they will treat us of scammer who charge too much…
We all have seen that.
In other hand, everyone is entitled to sell the price they want.
But ladies, I have seen a lot of you (not personally but those on this forum) complaining about not being able to sell, having to compete with low price reborns…

The demand on Facebook about “full silicone newborn size drink and wet rooted” for less than 300-400$ is astounding. If no one say nothing, they will turn towards scammers and fake copies.

There is a way to educate people, and also a way to direct them toward cheaper dolls (used, maybe?) Without being disrespectful or ridiculing them.


For under a hundred dollars, they can get not closed eyes, but my rolled eyes! :roll_eyes:


Use my BIG THUMB to swipe upwards… on the stroll. :woman_facepalming:t4: I can’t do nothing with that.