Hey there is a kit of the day!

Not sure where you read “bashing them”. I initially made an observation, a fear in quantity and price. Which neither was bashing BB. Your response was wasn’t very nice. It’s insensitive to say if your not a real artist then leave(which sums up what was said). Yes your entitled to your opinion, but I didn’t say anything rude. This forum has provided a platform of many artist, regardless of there talent. I’ve always seen discussions here they were open and sometimes a few negative words were tossed in. But overall it’s a place to support each other. Support talent, beginners and opinions. And for the record, during this time of covid(that is always thrown out there) BB isn’t the only one financial hurting. So yes, for some that extra $5 can make a difference right now. Before you respond quickly, I hope you stop and think about your own situation and possibly the others that want to continue wonderful “hobby” but have limited resources due to “Covid conditions”. And since written words can’t Convey true meaning, I’m being respectfully sincere.


Ahhh but that’s the thing! It’s affecting businesses too! They have to do what they have to do to stay in business too. It’s just sad that people are opting to shop elsewhere because a business is trying to stay afloat :disappointed: the price of everything has gone up and people are still out of work and layoffs are still happening all around us.


Where I read “bashing” was all the comments saying the $5 increase is a deal breaker and they won’t buy from BB anymore. You don’t think that’s rude for people to say on BB’s forum after all they’ve done for us? And nowhere did I say “you’re not a real artist.” What I said was “is $5 going to break you? If so it might be time to leave the hobby.” I stand by that. Like others have said, either send one less outfit or add $5 to the end price of the doll. But if $5 is a deal breaker, then why stay in the hobby? But…what if not adding that $5 to the kit price puts BB out of business? Should they sacrifice their business because someone doesn’t want to add $5 to the end price of their doll?
But don’t put words in my mouth. That wasn’t very nice.


I am always amazed when I see complaints about kits here not being on sale or regular pricing being up at times. Overall the price of kits here has remained consistently lower over the years. I understand not everyone sells high or has extra funds to buy a lot of kits or whatever. However, did you ever stop to think that your complaining sounds just as selfish as those who complain about finished reborns not being $50 or some ridiculously low price? We tell these people they need to save their money and realize that not everyone can have what they want right when they want it. We say you are not owed a nice reborn for below cost pricing. Well the same holds true for those buying blank kits. If you are on a fixed or tight income, you save your money for the kits you really want. You are not owed sale prices or price cuts. BB too has to cover their costs and make a profit. Does that make it harder for the reborn artist? Sure it does but remember, not everyone can afford to reborn a lot of kits on a regular basis just like not everyone can afford to buy a reborn doll every time they want one. The blade cuts both ways. Stop whining.



That was


Very well put! :clap:


No where did I say anything about 5.00 rise. The topic is kit of the day. I noticed the pricing went up. I was thinking, and should have been more detailed, of when we could buy real born kits on sale for 30.00. After 2020 things are all different and not sure our normal will be back for much of anything. But thats’ all I mean’t. We all need to be kinder to each other and adjust to all of our new normals.

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When I began realborns were selling in average for 225.00, maybe 250.00. Now they are selling for over 400-500. I’ll never get that. That’s fine. I don’t aspire to be a great prototype artist, just as good as I can be. I don’t take shortcuts and whoever buys a doll from me knows that.


But you can get that because of inflation prices go up everyone has to make adjustments


A lot of people sell sculpts cheaper on this forum! Be a eagle eye! :sunglasses: @quiltsabunch has a bunch for sale right now if y’all are looking. Her prices are before the orice jump! :smiley: everything is higher now a days… except gas! :peace_symbol::heart: :us:


Unless you live in Canada, then your gas is high too. :rofl: :rofl:


I’ve got enough to last me more than my lifetime lol. I’ll see how the near future goes. I may just sell out sometime soon, now that It’s stuck in my mind. lol


It’s certainly a good time to sell your extras. Do that and keep only the ones you love. But if you’re like me, that doesn’t work because you love them all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes!!! A great time to sell your extras!!! I live to do that and then buy the new ones that I love.
I do have to buy that yawner… I’m dying for a vampling !!! I have so many creatures, I can’t believe I don’t have one! OOps ! ! Am I taking over and ruining this post? I forget what we were supposed to be talking about! :joy:


I’m in SSI for personal reasons and I always save up for wants and needs like babysitting I save up for my car insurance power etc and if I have anything extra will be saved for a want when I can

Right now yes there is a few kits I want but I think bill payment or want but right now I’m saving for 4 full limb 20” cloth bodies trying to do that order at once if possible when I can

My mom and I both SSI I’m in my
20’s but my mom and I help each other out cause without we couldn’t afford rent on our own the 2bdrm 2 bath apt I live at alone is $1400 a month and that’s the cheaper end of 2ndrm apartments here. Other ones we looked at were around $1800 plus all utilities

One check goes on rent and cell alone live in apartment on section 8

Other is like needs like toothpaste, PT/TP, laundry soap etc few other bills

Lucky to have $40 left for gas money from all bills for month so then babysit = my car insurance, $100 power bill, gas money extra, if extra whatever if it $5 or $25 I’ll set aside for a want or emergency


I believe in saving and earning to get a want

Even when I was a kid I used to collect trading cards and would save my chore money to buy the next series of booster boxes (This was before I knew about reborn dolls)

I still love to collect things like I have all the smurf toys from McDonald’s from 1 and 2, collect trolls from blind bags, also collect fingerling minis.

Sometimes is can be a slow process saving but rewarding in the end.

I know having a hard time is rough I do donate dolls also to people I know personally and I know there having a really hard time or as gifts like I just donated a doll to a girl I know who I babysit here and there and we used to be neighbors and the mom only trusted me with her daughter when she was 2 now almost 9

Also one of my next customs is for a girl with Down syndrome and going to paint her the Patience kit out of my love kinded heart I don’t know her In person but I just love to help others even if it hurts me.


The soul of a true artist :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The prices used to be like they are now. But, at one time they went down, I can’t remember exactly why now. But, these were the normal prices, as best I remember.

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Guys, hold on a few seconds. The average LE kit is $110. For that price, some come with a body, some don’t. Some LE’s sell for $99, like Brace kits sometimes do. Some LE’s sell for around $130 if they come with a custom torso plate, like some LLE’s kits do. The raise in price at BB is hardly close yet to the average cost of LE kits. Yes, they are now more expensive than what they were, but not that close to LE’s yet. I’ve been reborning for 7 years and I have seen BB prices steadily have to go up. Who knows, this increase may be temporary. But COVID has seriously been hard on everyone, and the factories in Asia are behind and stock does get low. I don’t believe BB would raise their prices unless they had to. We need to all sit tight and try to be patient and supportive, as much as possible. It’s probably not going to be resolved overnight.


The few dollars they have raised their prices don’t bother me. I buy what I love. I just pass the increase on to my customers. So rather than charging $300, I will charge $325 for example. Everything has gone up in price. We went to our local hardware store to buy a 2x4 (lumber) it went from $2.50 a board to almost $7.00. Needless to say, we passed on the lumber as it was not a need right now. I noticed grocery shopping was the same way.


Not to hijack here, but this really is a major opportunity for someone with a massive stash to downsize. My stash was ridiculous, but I kept buying kits just because they were on sale… yet somehow kept ordering other kits to paint. I got rid of them. Listed them all at sale prices and let them go. I have room in my house and maybe people who are tight on funds got to score some kits. Win-win.

And yes to construction materials going up! The price of lumber is shocking these days.