Help me pic a kit or two :/

Totally get it. Some Uriel’s look odd to me and others are precious. Hmmm what kind of facial expression do you like the most?

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I like most of them, grumpy & peaceful sleepers are probably my favorites. But mostly just newborn looking, if the baby is awake I like for them to look realistic for their age.

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How about Jaycee? She looks like a grumpy sleeper and she’s very newborn looking.

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She really reminds me of Ashley, she’s super cute! I think I’ve decided on little Aria, she’s just the sweetest little mouse :blush:


My Liam just sold! So now I can buy a kit or two, I may get a sale kit as well because I have a spare body laying around here somewhere! Yay, first sale in quite a bit, and a toddler too so more money than a little baby


Yah so excited for you!

I sell mainly locally, and so her mommy saw her in person first and she couldn’t get over just how big she was lol She really is a big baby. I greatly prefer the little ones haha way less rooting. Although I rooted Liam in 4 days which wasn’t that bad