Help me pic a kit or two :/

I need kit suggestions. I don’t know if I’m just in an off mood right now but I literally can’t find a kit I like. I have no stash so it’s not just a matter of picking one I already have. I was super excited about Darren, but then seeing his blank kit pictures and both prototypes look the same, I have no vision for him. Other than that I generally prefer preemies or little newborns, sleeping or awake doesn’t matter. Possibly it’s because I haven’t painted in probably 3 or so months, I’m just not feeling it right now.

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WARNING…BEWARE…been informed not a reputable business!!!I am not sure if you like this kit or if it can be shipped to you but I was seriously considering it myself earlier so,figured I would just share it either way


She’s cute, I haven’t seen her before.

I had not either. It looked like she came out a few years ago and one or two on this forum painted or bought her but the pics were unavailable. I you thinking bountiful baby or is there another place we can look for,inspiration formyou at?

I’m open to anywhere as long as the ship to canada and it doesn’t cost a fortune lol Some places charge like 50$ for shipping which I’m not willing to pay lol

What does B.B. charge?

30$ flat rate, which is okay haha but they have a minimum order of like 40$ before shipping so it can get a bit pricey

I always look at the kits painted by different artists not only on B.B. but I usually google them on images so I get a more rounded out view of what they will look like finished. Honestly some of the feature pics of the kits are not always the best for promoting the kit. Like Pricilla, would never had considered her based on the pic they feature her with lol. Not meaning to insult but we all have our own taste😉

I do exactly the same thing, on non bb kits I mainly look for a picture of the blank vinyl.

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Madison is on sale, may not be a wow at first glance but this artist made her sooo cute


She is a cutie, she’s one I’ve looked at quite a few times lol I will consider her for sure if she’s still on sale next week

Have you painted Ashley? I really like her…am rooting her awake version and decided to make her my Targaryen baby (game of thrones). I also like premies…for some reason they always come out better for me. Im about to start on my biggest baby Ive ever painted, wish me luck LOL

LOL…I just found another post where you put a pic of your Ashley up so guess you have done her :wink:

What about some of the older kits like Megan…I loved painting her and she was even the first one I sold. I need to buy another kit sometime…right now I have too many!!

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Yeah lol I have done Ashley asleep. Ashley awake is super cute too. Preemies are my favorites haha Good luck on your big baby :slight_smile: which kit is it?

I have considered Megan, I painted Kaelin several years ago and loved her little legs. They share limbs so I may give Megan a try.

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I never really looked at Megan before, she is adorable, love her nose and lips, looks like it could be very fun to paint

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She is pretty cute haha If she’s on sale I’ll probably get her, I don’t like paying full price for any kit :confused: I’m cheap lol

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Nothing wrong with waiting for a sale. Im getting ready to paint my 3 month Joseph :wink:
She was a lot of fun and easy to paint @PutABonnetOnIt

That’s usually what determines the kits I buy. There are a lot of cute kits out there, but their price tag is usually what determines how cute they are to me. :wink:

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If I really like a kit I’ll pay whatever the price happens to be, but there aren’t too many kits like that. I think I’m just too picky about kits lol there are quite a few that I love their face but hate their limbs and I’m not willing to pay 100$ for a kit with bad limbs :joy: And I have to pick kits I think I can sell, because I don’t collect

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I can’t order anything from this site (it doesn’t work) and she isn’t answering e-mails.

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