Help me pic a kit or two :/

Nonie tends to leave pages up long after the products sell out. I tried to order Kylah last year and it was sold out. If you want to contact Nonie, try her on facebook. People say she doesn’t check email that often.


I was wondering how her site works. It lets me add kits to my cart and sends me directly to PayPal. But I’m hesitant to order because it looks like she hasn’t updated her site in months.

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I haven’t ordered with her since I bought Tink. My tink kit came damaged and it was so hard to get a hold of her. She said she would give me a partial refund and never did. I contacted her again and again and after waiting literally 2 months I had to open a paypal claim. Her prices are good but its a chance if she will answer you on any problems.


That’s crazy. Definitely not someone I’d buy anything from if communication is that bad! Also, am I the only one that has trouble finding anything on that website?

Yeah and I tell you what, she replied to me within an hour of Paypal finding in my favor due to her not responding to the claim. Months of waiting for a response and she only replies to me after she lost money. I wouldn’t buy from her again. I know many say she is so nice and a great dealer but my experience hasn’t been great with her.

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Yeah, that’s suspicious for sure. everything I’ve heard so far about her has been similar, so I’m not going anywhere near lol

Seriously that’s terrible, sorry I even posted this then and really glad I didn’t end up ordering anything from her myself. Why even keep your business open if you cannot run it!


I only look at it on my phone. The tabs on the left don’t work. But there’s links on the bottom that work for me.

I’m glad you posted. You may have saved a lot of us from making a bad purchase. I did message her just now on Facebook. I told her I was considering placing an order but since it looks like the site hasn’t been updated in months I need to know if the kits are still available.
I’ll let y’all know if she responds.

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Some things are a little tricky to find. I used to buy from her site often. I don’t do Facebook so she’s out for me.

I’m glad you posted! I didn’t want to call her out on it at the time because it could have been a fluke but the more I hear the less likely I would order from her. Your post helped inform others of what is going on. The only unfortunate thing is I don’t know if @MilosMeadows found some good kits!!


Have you checked out MacPherson’s sale section? It looks like they have some preemies and small newborns and you would save on shipping for sure if you’re in Canada. If you’re good with paying full price, some of my favorites they have include Uriel, Birdy, and Luca. I think you’d get free shipping too!

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It’s often very similar in price for us to order from MacPherson - once you bump the order over $100 your shipping is free. That IS in USD, mind you, so it’s more like $130 when all is said and done, but I can usually get 2 kits plus bodies and beads if I shop in the sale section. And, the non-Bountiful Baby kits will generally pull higher prices, so you’ll likely make your money back!!

Maybe Twin A or Twin B? They seem to sell very well, and they’re tiny.

I honestly sell bountiful baby kits for the same price as other kits. Because I can’t sell otherwise. I’ve done both Twin A and B, and they are very cute I’m just tired of seeing them everywhere lol

@RebeccaKatie I’m not a fan of Uriel for some reason, the kit is cute but not enough for me to want to paint her. I’ve never looked at Birdy because her eyes look giant, but I don’t know if it’s just that pic or not lol

I know right, our lady needs some inspiration help😍

Oh man tastes are definitely different, I find Uriel adorable lol. Luca is sweet!

Uriel is super cute, I’m just tired of smiling kits right now. So so many have come out recently lol

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I have to say I feel the same about twin a and b. I am not tired of smiles though lol. But then I wanted sunny in the worst way.

Aria asleep is tiny and adorable

I feel like I need to see more versions of her before I buy her lol Her blank vinyl is kinda funny looking. She is very cute, but I’m not sure I could do anything with her haha