Help me decide Adelaid's sex and eye color MORE NEW BOY PICS ADDED

I need help on girl or boy, bue eyes or brown. Please give me your opinion. i had posted Adelaid’s picture as a WIP with a wig on but decided to root her hair.


I like the first pic

I like her as the girl with blue eyes. :blush:

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If you go with the brown eyes I think boy, if you go with the blue eyes I think girl. Both are cute, but I vote boy with brown eyes.


Wow that’s definitely a tough one!! I see both and both eye color looks great. But I’m leaning more towards the brown eyed boy!

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Girl and blue

girl with blue eys

Boy with brown eyes. There’s so many Adelaids as girls that boy will be nice and uncommon for a change.


I like her as a girl with blue eyes.

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Girl with brown eyes :heart:

I say boy. :heart_eyes:

She’s just so adorable either way!:slight_smile:

Blue eyed girl

Oh my goodness they are both absolutely adorable, you need to make another one and do a boy and a girl!

Blue eyes girl! I love her @pattyabe!!!

I vote for a blue eyed boy. :blush:

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Girl and the blue eyes. JMO

Blue eyed girl!

I love the brown eyed boy. So, how helpful was this thread? lol

Girl, Blue eyes! Adorable!!!