Heavy veins

I just wanted to share how heavy I put the powders on for veins. It’s one of my favorite parts because when I blend it in it’s a very satisfying result. Lol!


I Love this!! What powders? How do you apply them, if you don’t my asking.

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That looks really good!

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Not at all. I use Coastal Scents brand and the color is Cornflower Blue. This is the brush that I use. I really scrub it on and then rub like heck with a cosmetic wedge.


Wow that’s amazing! They look beautiful and nice and deep under the skin. It’s amazing how you are able to accomplish that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Powders have been on my list to try. But I need to conquer nails and brows first before I attempt to add another frustrating experiment :crazy_face:


Looks very nice, however I have a question - will you see them after all layers are done?
I experimented with Costals and they doesn’t stay for me :frowning: I noticed that even after many bakes and settling with Gamsol they can even be ‘lifted’ even during varnishing. (I see color on the sponge).


I’ll have to give this a try on a practice kit. TY!

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For me, you have to Scrub them in and then wipe with a tissue to be sure the access is off.

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I haven’t had a problem with anything lifting except, sometimes, the creases. Especially where paint pools before blotting off like the inner ear. The blue veins definitely stay and I use a yellow for cartilage that stays. With blushing I just go real easy over top with paint, blot, and then bake. Many baked layers and varnish after that and they’re permanent.


Looks amazing!

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I also agree that it looks amazing! I looked up Costal Scents and was surprised to find out that it’s makeup. I didn’t know you could use make up on these dolls. That is cool!


Looks amazing! I love Coastal Scents but had to switch to soft pastels chalks because coastal scents burned my skin and made it crack and bleed.


Wow! Amazing veining! Thanks for sharing!

I’ve been wanting to try powders for creases, this might just be the push I need to order some!

Thank you! I’ll try it on veins.

I just got these today


These are good rated brand. The soft pastels I bought from Hobby Lobby work well for me so far. I bought them to try since they were 50% off. I have mixed colors and even layered one color over another with no issues so far.


I Have No idea on how to use them lol!


But they look so appealing! :heart_eyes:

Yall keep in mind pastels will be much richer in coloring than Coastal Scents which are makeup and do have other ingredients in them besides pigments. I use PanPastels and they grab the vinyl much more and stain much more.

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