Having trouble with reborn air dry paints rubbing off

I just recently ordered a try me set of paints that are called Art And Magic Waterborne Reborn air dry try me set. And I am having trouble with them rubbing off.I read the instruction on how to use them.I washed my kit in warm dish soap and after all the parts dried I applied the Clear Base Coat And Surface vinyl prep.Then I let it sit over night. Then the next day I started painting. I didn’t add any matte medium or anything else besides water and I found out that next day they starter to rub off.I also rubbed on one of the limbs and the paint started to come off. Didn’t know If I should of added a matte medium or a medium that would have helped for the paint not to rub off? I am not sure why they did but wanted some advice on what I can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Ive never used that paint before but Ive used Liquitex, JoSonja and RebornFX. I now mainly use Golden fluid paints and prefer them over any. I typically seal my dolls with tiny bit of Liquitex matte gel and distilled water…it ends up looking like skim milk. I paint it on and then pounce with kabuki brushes, it looks like there is none left behind but it leaves a very thin coating and also leaves tooth for the paint to grab. Golden paints are awesome and they dont easily come off once dry, you can even wash your doll with soap and a soft brush before varnishing. I mix them with Golden satin glazing liquid, a very tiny amount of retarder and a mix of wetting agent and distilled water.

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I use that paint and I mix my paints with water and the matte sealer. I found that on a tutorial for them and it’s worked great for me. If you have the ultra matte gel that works also.

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I use the Waterborne paints and I love them. I have never had any rub off. I do the prep work as you said. I go by the tutorial on how many drops of paint to how many drops of water, and I add in a bonding agent to help it stick. I have been told that if the water to paint ratio is too high the pigmentation particles will be so far apart it will not adhere well. But, if you have any questions please call Stephanie at Hunny buns. She is always very helpful.

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The first set of paints I bought were Waterbourne, but quickly switched to Liquitex and now have Golden as well. Since I did not stick with the Art & Magic long, the following might be useless to you. I always add a medium to my paint mix. And there is some cure time for air dry paints that can be up to a month. I generally try to be gentle with my pieces during painting. Once varnished and fully cured, they should be very durable. Good luck!

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After painting all my layers with my acrylics, I seal them in with GHS matte varnish bake at setting 6 for 8min let cool turn your parts over bake again 6 or 7 min let cool again and its sealed. In my experience acrylic paint has never rubbed off when sealed with GHS matte varnish. Hope this helps!

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I use waterborne as well and not had any issues with painting rubbing off. I also am careful not to touch any painted parts for 30+ mins after painting and I wear gloves to keep the oils from your hands from transfer.
I add in a bonding agent as well with my paints/water. I use a liquidtex brand matte medium from hobby lobby.
Also when you added the primer layer did you pounce it or just wipe it on with a sponge?

thank you so much. I am new to air dry and any advice would help. But might try the liquitex air dry paints. I have heard really good thing with Liquitex and Golden. Liquitex is a lot easier to be able to afford it. So might go with that Thanks.

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Thanks. I have the matte sealer in my try me set. I will try that for now and see how that works.

thanks, maybe I should put in a bonding agent. I think that would help.

Thanks. I found the Liquitex paints on sale so think i might go with those and buy a bonding agent.


The fluid matte medium can be used as both a primer and your bonding agent in your paints. It is the best bang for your buck. I do prefer the Golden brand though.


i smooth it on with a cosmetic wedge. That was the directions that it had on there. It seemed to work good. I think I need to add a bonding agent in my paint/water.

How does the Liquitex paints work that you bought? I also saw them online for a really good price for 48 of them also and so thinking about ordering but wanted to make sure that they should work ok? Or dencently? Let me know how your reborning is with those paints would really like to use them if they are any good. Thank for the advice.

You can email Stephanie (the artist who made and sells these paints) and she may have a solution for you. I just went with the liquidtex matte medium, $16.99 at hobby lobby, but it’s lasted forever lol
I use this instead of the primer and sealer that came with the waterborne paints. They are good paints, just take some getting used to the right mixes. I also add the ultra matte gel to them to help the control of the painting

I emailed her a couple of days ago but I haven’t got anything back yet but It is also Christmas and probably is busy with orders and with Christmas going on. Yeah it would be nice to get the Liquitex Matte Medium when I get the funds. Do you think the Daler-Rowney Matte Medium would work? I have some on hand right now and didn’t know if this would work? Or If I should just use the Liquitex Matte Medium? Thanks for the advice very helpful.

Thanks everyone for the advice everyone has giving me. It all has really helped to give me insight on what I can do to fix my doll kit.

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Thanks for the advice. I am wanting to try the Golden paints But they are pretty pricey but I would like to see how well they preform. I have heard a lot of good feed back that Golden is the best to use. Might try and buy 1 or 2 of the bottles of Golden fluid paints and if I like them then switch over to them.

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What exectly do you use the liquitex Flow Medium for? I heard of it but I didn’t know how to use it on my reborn doll kit.

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I have had that same problem. Mostly with lint getting on my doll kit while I am painting. Very aggravation to have a bunch of hairs or lint. It is almost impossible to not get lint on the doll kit. was thinking about getting a hair dresser cape. (The one you can use to cut it) I think that would cut down on the lint problem. But they are kinda expensive.