Have an April for trade- traded


I am putting my feelers out there to see if anyone has any other SOLE kit of similar value they may want to trade for her.

I have lots of good feedback on the positive feedback thread. Willing to trade with trusted member.

Kits I am specifically looking for (I am also open to any other offers) I could even add $ to the trade for a more expensive kit.

Possibly LouLou

I would possibly consider 2 popular kits as a trade as well for her.

Body and COA Included


The kits you want are way more valuable than April and whenever I trade we both post on the same day and I have lots of positive feedback as well.

I am aware of the values of the kits. I would trade same day if someone has established feedback. I will clarify. I didn’t think I needed to.


Hope you find a good kit or two for your April. If not, at least you will have learned how to trade properly. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Kicking myself for not snagging a LouLou. I am always on a kit diet at the WRONG times.


Haha yes maybe after this time I will understand the rules of trading and get my trading license!


Oh and I am kicking myself about only having one LouLou! I didn’t take any chances when Nevaeh Brace came out on preorder because I can already tell she’s going to be a big one.


I have Lou Lou but can’t part with her. I have April too. I reborned her and she was just a joy to look at that sweet face the entire time. lol

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Lol thanks for nothing :rofl::wink::kissing_heart: I have two Aprils so I was hoping to paint another kit instead of both of them.

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Lol sorry honey!! April is just so darling. I wish I could help you.

Make happy twins!! :joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That was what the plan was, so I will stick to that if I don’t end up trading her. I’m lucky either way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I would absolutely love to see you do April twin if you don’t trade her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I was not able to get Lou Lou when she came out either and did not realize she was LE so missed that boat.

I reborn April and did not like her froggy legs at all. They would not pose naturally IMO. I sold off my 2nd blank kit for that reason. Cute face but do not like the legs.

I don’t blame you on the trading. I have seen some bad deals on this site and I would not ship a kit til I made sure I got a decent one first too unless the other person had a good reference history here I could depend on.

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I thought that LouLou was slightly difficult to pose with her turned in wrists, but I loved the way they laid down in front of her chest!

I am definitely painting one and I think she is lucrative and definitely in demand, so I don’t mind painting another if i have to.

I agree about trading. I got offered a Claire Taylor prototype silicone for my twin B. Once I told the woman the doll had to be sent to me first for inspection she suddenly disappeared. It was definitely too good to be true!


Lemme guess her name was either Murray something or austeen leggitt? That’s the same doll she’s been trying to scam trade with lots on Facebook :joy:


Not funny, as I hate anyone gets scammed. Just seen her name and that scam alot recently

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I understood your comment. Hope you get lucky, those are great/desired kits!!

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@Alypants I’ve got some experience trading other types of high end goods. This is the way that I have always done it to protect myself and it’s based on trade value. So say we doing a trade of two items, both with trade value of $300. Both of the people involved in the trade send each other that amount via Paypal goods and services. Then we ship. It’s basically each person buys from the other but because it’s the same value, you aren’t really shelling out anything. I insist on goods and services for the protection. It’s not just about someone not shipping the item, it’s also the condition it is in, etc. I hope that helps.


That seems like a good way. I have never had this experience myself, but I have heard that not only does the buyer lose protection from PayPal if they pay friends and family, so does the seller. I cannot remember who it was, but a well-known high end artist posted on Facebook about a year ago that someone had sent her payment as friends and family though she did not ask for it and then did a charge back through their credit card company. PayPal would not help her because the payment was not for goods.

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I have seen it done that way way too, but with chargebacks able to be filed, it’s not fool proof.