Have an April for trade- traded

So far I have had no issues with trades and all were done without backflips and cartwheels. The reason is that I only do it with people who have been around consistently for a while and have a good reputation. It helps that I’ve been around for years and know who these people are.


I would gladly trade with someone I don’t know as long as I get the kit first, but I am same as you- I really only like to trade with people whose reputations proceed them so I don’t have to do it that way.


That is true, I also screenshot all conversations, take detailed pictures of everything, and include a lot of detail in the comments on PayPal.

I just assume that people know and trust me since I have been making transactions on here for a year. Lots of artists on here use the same terms as me. I wouldn’t even try to trade on Instagram or anything like that because I am not comfortable with stranger trades. I have been almost bamboozled so many times but luckily haven’t gone through with any bad deals.

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Oh I completely agree that everyone here would trust you. This was just to give you a tool to trade with anyone you were weary of. :revolving_hearts:

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Thank you :heart:

I’ve never done a trade and there are just a few that I trust to trade with. :slight_smile: