Glazing accident

Can I finish one baby without something going wrong? Just one?? This time I used pledge to glaze the eyes, must have used too much because I saw a shiny run going from an eye all the way through the painted hair. I did this last night so its dry.

Any thoughts on how to fix this? Should I paint over it? Powders?
Anyone know how long it takes this stuff to dry?

If the eyes are brand new, why would you GLAZE them?

So they look shiny like glass.

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Air dry paint or Genesis?

I think that ammonia and water will dissolve it! Read the bottle and test the colorfastness of your paint before you do it. It might soften with just water on a cotton ball left on the run for awhile?


Babyfx @CarolinaCuties.

I am so sorry this happened. I hope you are able to fix it easily. I can’t comment really because i haven’t used Pledge yet (it is on my list of things to try though). But I really hope you can fix it without any problems. :smiley:

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I absolutely LOVE making these babies, but I seriously wonder if I’m too clumsy to be good at this. :no_mouth:

I don’t have a suggestion but I hope you get it fixed. Don’t give up. We all have booboos. :smiley:

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I second that! Don’t give up!

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Most of you are always posting pictures of these awesome babies and here I am with smudged hair, over run pledge, misses creases, a dirty crease or two, paint pooled in between toes… after I mopped the excess with a brush and not discovered until dry. Sigh. One time I got too close to magnets with a magnitized head and they went flying across my desk taking everything in its path. Sigh. Lol

Anyway. I will work on the pledge streak when I have a few moments to myself and will post the results when Im done in case anyone else needs to know.

P.s. Nice profile pic, @lollipop_cradle. Love your hair!

Thank you! :slight_smile:️

Don’t be fooled, we all have our share of mishaps. Maybe we should all get together and write a book on reborning oopsies.


Been there!! The first few babies teach us so much! :blush:

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Oh, you are hilarious. Don’t feel alone, I’ll keep you company!:joy:


And now- to demonstrate true ignorance. Are we talking about “Pledge” as in furniture polish? And why does one need to polish the eyes? I’m so new- but you all seem so happy to help newbies that I’ll risk sounding very silly!


Pledge Floor Care…it leaves a nice shiny wet look on the eyes.

@AmyR777 might have some pictures so you can see the effect it gives! :slight_smile: :heart:

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Sounds like you used way too much. It only takes a drop or two per eye with the Pledge.
To fix this, use some Folkart Outdoor Matte sealer or FolkArt Glass and Tile Medium. Both are very matte when dry. Using a small brush, “paint” the sealer over the glaze run on the vinyl (DO NOT glob it on, use small amounts) and let is sit just a few seconds then pounce over it with a dry wedge. Repeat if necessary to get the whole streak matted, using a light hand. If you do this correctly, you should see your streak disappear in appearance as you matte it down. Works on any type of paint.


try a bit of rubbing alcohol on a q-tip. gently go over the shinny spot and rinse with water. do not rub to hard! Not sure if it will work with the pledge but with my experience it does work with gallery glass(which I use to gloss my eyes) and so far has never damaged the paint.

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Here’s the bottle:

The varnish gives a nice shine to the eyes.