Glazing accident

You are all correct- it does give a nice shine indeed! How long does it take to dry? do you just brush it on?

You can brush it on but I apply with an eye dropper because it works better for me. Remember to rinse out the dropper when done or it’ll get clogged up.

Thanks all. what a great community!

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You can.

It helps seal the eyes to the vinyl plus and it can fill in any gaps. In a newborn, you can even make it a bit thicker to appear to have teary eyes.

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I’ve never used glass eyes but fragile Christmas ornaments is what I always envision. I have heard of them breaking, though. I use BB’s half-round acrylic eyes with Pledge varnish.

You’re welcome! :smile:

The Pledge is water thin so it does not actually fill in gaps like gloss varnish does. It will usually run into the gaps though. The other reason to apply it after eyes are inserted as it helps to give added sealer to the lashes.

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They are hollow like Christmas ornaments but thicker. I have always used glass and haven’t broke any yet and I have dropped them lots. I may try the acrylic eyes with Pledge since it would be way cheaper.

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