Giving air dry a shot

I decided after all the trouble I’m having with genesis sticking and having cold problems off and on for a year and headaches I would give air dry another shot. I painted 1 baby before and then tried it again but had problems with constancy and not getting it blended right. I gave up. So here is my Joesph I painted with golden paints. He still needs a few fine details but I like him. Hopefully this is a start of something great.


He looks great! I attempted an air dry baby… she got tossed in the reject bin about halfway through haha.


Thank you. It’s a learning curve for sure.

Great job!

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Golden is a beast! :sweat_smile: For you to jump from genesis to this, skipping the reborn specific air dry paints, that is impressive. Your baby looks really good.


Baby looks great and there is a big learning curve I think I stripped the first one 4 times before settling on less then perfect….

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So beautiful! :two_hearts:

Air dry scares me. I think I have a mental block.


I think you did an excellent job!

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He’s beautiful!

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My issue with golden is now knowing what to add to paints to do hair and eyebrows…I’ve messed up eyebrows, cause I can’t just wipe it off and re-do like with genesis

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I never paint anything, especially not brows, without this. If you catch your mistakes quickly, they will be gone. If you catch them later, they will be lightened a lot. Just don’t rub too hard.


Are you sealing your head before you do brows? I find that gives me a small window of time to wipe off and start over.


He looks really good. You’ll be just fine with future babies.

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I want one of those erasers.

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He is beautiful!!! You did a fabulous job with him!

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I use Golden Paint, Flow Medium and some Jo Sonjas Retarder (I just like it better but Golden retarder will work too). The retarder gives the paint more working time and the Flow medium helps it hold lines better. You can also add a few drops of distilled water as needed.

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Get it. It’s a total game changer. Worth every penny.


You did a great job!!

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He looks absolutely amazing!

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I have something pretty much like that I got that Melissa George had recommended on her Patreon. Robot or human?