Gianna and Giulia

For those with interest in two faced reborns, there’s also Janus, although that clearly falls into the fantasy catagory with the pointy ears and horn nubs.
And Janus can be displayed with only one face showing at a time, if you’d prefer, with a bonnet on.
When I was a kid, I had a doll with three faces that wore a jumpsuit with a hood to hide the other two so only one showed at a time. There was a knob on the top of her head that came through a hole in the hood for easy turning.


At first glance, I thought this was the Nino kit and someone conjoined the head. :woman_shrugging:t4: This is very extraordinary nicely crafted sculpt but I don’t believe I’d be interested in reborning it.

If a mom lost her babies due to this condition and wanted a memory baby reborned, it’s nice to know there is a kit available. :revolving_hearts:


She’s pretty talented. I looked at her shop! Wow. Thanks.


I have seen her work and would love to get one sculpted of my special girl. I’m just so afraid of having a clay baby. They’re so fragile, and I want to hold her a lot


I completely understand this. I have had early miscarriages as well as my 21 week stillbirth. I’d only want it with my 21 week daughter as she was the only one that clearly looked like a little person that I could hold and take comfort from


I would absolutely love more inclusive kits. It would be nice if bountiful baby would stock some…
I would buy every single one.


Haha :grin:

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If there’s an early preorder for this kit like there was for Nino, I want to be in it!! I’ll need to find out where to be notified of that!


I don’t think Chenza is quite finished sculpting these two so I highly doubt they are on pre-order yet. When they are, I am sure it would be available for pre-order on TruBorns :grin::orange_heart: