Gianna and Giulia


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It is not my kind of thing it is sad enough there were chilthern born like this


We have to daughters who were born with devation on both there ears
And as parents it hurts


I am with you it is sad enough that this happend to real babys


It definitely looks like this baby. He had two brains and two faces that worked independently. But he was considered to be one baby. I guess I like the idea of this sculpt as one soul. But I have a problem seeing it as twins.


Looks like a good Halloween cuddle. And yes, Iā€™m sure this is so rare that this was made more as something strange rather than inclusivity.

Reminds me a bit of the Netflix documentary I just watched called Rooting for Roona

about a poor young family in India with a daughter with hydrocephalus (water on the brain).

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I donā€™t think itā€™s done for shock value. More for representation. Some people want a doll that looks like their baby(ies), especially If they passed away. I want a skinny underdeveloped sculpt that matches my daughter who was born too soon at 21 weeks. Some people say thatā€™s morbid or shocking, but I just want a baby that looks like her :woman_shrugging:t2:


It isnā€™t morbid to want an image of a lost loved one. :heartpulse:


I agree with you and @Helenabeereborns

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I donā€™t think she made it to look strange. She is all about inclusion. Whatever she saw that made her want to make this sculpt would have been done for awareness and inclusion, definitely not for shock value. She is very big on trying to show the world that beautiful people come in lots of different ways.


I donā€™t know what the intent was. Thatā€™s just my guess without knowing anything about this artist.
There are lot more common human deformities that are rarely shown in the reborn world.


I recently found this. My sonā€™s partial cleft lip was his most obvious birth defect. Itā€™s pretty common, yet before this sculpt, Iā€™ve only ever seen it done as a modification by the painter.


This sculptor has sculpted several cleft lip babies (these are just the most recent) :heart:



I agree, itā€™s definitely for inclusion! Chenza has been sculpting dolls like this for a very long time in clay. I am very excited for this kit because I have admired the uniqueness of her dolls for a long time. Now it means that more people can have her work in vinyl.


I agree!


Iā€™m not drawn to these types of kits, thereā€™s enough of this heartbreak in the real world, it makes me feel sad. Would never buy or paint one. JMO. I donā€™t mean to make anyone angry by my response, just being honest for myself.


Thatā€™s perfectly fine. I accept everyoneā€™s opinions. I like this kit for many reasons and for a real baby like this, yes this is very sad and heartbreaking. As a kit however, I find a lot of amazing talent and I love the chubby legs and realistic features. I personally think Chenza is being inclusive especially with Nino, Stanley Oliver etc. I donā€™t think she is looking for a shock factor. I feel like she isnā€™t that kind of person. She is so amazing and talented imo. Thank you for your opinion, I donā€™t think you are being rude in any way. Just stating how you feel about these kinds of dolls.:hugs::orange_heart:


I like the inclusion of all humans being represented in our Doll Community. Babies do not know he/she is born different, they just want and expect love from their families. They are not looking for someone to feel sorry for them. They want to be treated like you treat anyone else.


I agree :100: with you :hugs:

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Iā€™ve seen those. They are so interesting. Although I personally wouldnā€™t want a constant physical reminder of any/all of the early miscarriages Iā€™ve had, I can see how other people in certain circumstances might.