Getting Nervous!

Ok, a woman in U.K. ordered three custom babies. Now she does not want to pay custom fees. They are waiting for her to pick up at P.O. in U.K.
I called pp to see what happens if she files claim, they say unless they show delivered im out all that $$. Better believe i will fight this tooth and nail!! After all the $ paypal had made off of me this year, no way!!Tracking shows that its waiting for her payment. Not my fault. Unless dolls come back to me, there is no way there will be a refund. Ill keep fighting .
Anyone have this happen before? 7plus years, never had issue with international shipping like this.


Oh no! I hope it all works out for you. I have never had this happen but I don’t ship overseas very often. I’m way too afraid.

I don’t ship overseas because of the possibility of this sort of thing. Plus I’m afraid customs will take my baby apart due to all the terrorist fears. I really hope this works out for you.


I’m sure you made it clear that was her responsibilty! Why does this have to be your problem? If she doesn’t pay, won’t the dolls be returned? That’s scary! Three dolls is a lot of money to be out!


Im a fool. She begged me to make these for weeks. So many custom details. Remember my paulino that melted? Yep, one was him. So i spent double for two kits too! Hes completely sold out. My hubby is a postmaster, said international may not ship back without her picking them up and paying fees.

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I’m so sorry this happened to you! I’ll be praying for you; keep us posted.


If they’re returned does the seller have to pay the shipping fees?

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Not sure, i assume. Trying to contact parcelforce in U.K. really hard,they have no international phone number.

OMG what a headache!. Hope it works out for you.

I am so sorry this is happening. I am too chicken to ship over seas. I hope she does the right thing and goes and pays the fees and gets her dolls she demanded. I am appalled she did this on custom reborns. Would the US post office have a tracking to what exact office and a contact for them? Even if it were email so that they can be told you will take the fees if the return to sender? I would hope you could get them back if anything so you can at least try and sale them here in the US.

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So crazy. Think im gonna call paypal again to see what their advise is, if any.

Contacted paypal again. They said if she files dispute, and tracking shows it is just not delivered due to her non paid custom fees, i am not Responsible. It is her choice. So ladies, goes to show, do not take no for answer with paypal. The guy yesterday said unless it was at her doorstep, its my problem. Not so for international delivery agent said today. Hoping she pays, contacting royal mail now.


GOOD FOR YOU…no way it should be your problem; you made and shipped the dolls, you did your part. Glad you got in touch with someone at PayPal who could be of some help to you.


Wow, hope it all works out for you…Fortunately we don’t have custom fees here in OZ unless the item is over $1000…
I don’t ship to the UK any longer either because of custom fees…Even when you tell the ladies that you are not responsible for any custom fees and that they need to check on those cost for themselves, most never bother and then they tend to be be upset when they have to pay them…I had one issue sort of like this but I fought her and won on it but that sort of did it for me shipping to any country that charges custom fees… :disappointed:

Glad to hear it is working in your favour…I was going to tell you to fight it - that you would win but see that you already have so good job! :smile:


Curious…does US have custom fees?

Im not sure, ive ordered kits from germany, AU. …etc. never had to pay customs. I know it goes by dollar amount in certain countries. Then some countries do not charge customs fees either.

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No, none to the USA from here Lynette, My folks are in South Carolina and I ship to them with no problems…If I send Express International they get their parcels in 7 - 10 days so that is pretty good… :smile: Hopefully nothing changes in the coming year…My dad’s b’day is the 31st of January so will be posting off a parcel for that so will let you know how it goes…Knock on wood but so far I haven’t had any problems… :smile:


Do they base them on the value of the parcel or on the weight, etc? Always wondered how that works…

If she lives in another country and ordering anything from the US, you’d think she’d already know that there will be/or the possibility of there being custom fees. Why would she buy anything from overseas without planning for the fees. Do you think it may be a case that she over spent on the dolls and now trying whatever she can to get her money back?

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Funny thing is when she was ordering dolls, she told me her budget, dolls were under that so it would have covered custom fees. I emailed her even offered to pay half of them. No response. She was so excited to get them…sooo weird.

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