Getting Nervous!

Don’t even begin to understand some people…!!..I am happy you got more info from a PayPal rep who was better informed…!!..just because one says no, doesn’t make it so…good for you to have checked again…Upsetting to hear these things happening…I pay duty on some orders as I live in Canada…hit and miss really but sometimes it can be high…I shipped a baby to Belgium and felt terrible that the buyer had to pay quite a large amount of duty…we insured the shipment and duty was charged on the value.:frowning: …luckily my customer was still responsible and paid…said the Doll as well worth it…too bad all people don’t have integrity…There is no cure for stupid unfortunately… I hope that all turns out well in your favour…return shipping costs are what I am referring to…best of luck…!!

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Maybe something happened to her? Could she be in the hospital for an illness or something I wonder.

I’m suspecting she may have buyer’s remorse.

That’s awesome! I’m so happy you won’t have to refund anything :slight_smile:

Yes she may have buyers remorse or sone big bill come up she didnt expect…because you think she would KNOW there would or could be customs fees if it comes from a different country.Cant believe soneone would bulk at that when they spent good money on dolls they want and leave you hanging too.Rude.

She contacted me, said she wants them, but wont pay fee. Ughhh.


I agree with Carrie-Anne. How long does she have to pay the fees?


Well that’s her problem I guess. I wouldn’t pay them for her. Just let them sit there then if Paypal says it won’t go against you if she doesn’t pay. Why order custom babies though and not pick them up. She had to have known there was going to be fees.

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Yeup, I think she’s hoping for you to pay the fees as well.

Too bad!

She either has to pay the fees or not receive the dolls. From what you said she clearly knew she was going to have to pay custom fees…maybe she had this plan all along, but I don’t know. It’s awfully strange, though, all things considered…

On a side note, in the U.S. when you buy something from a foreign country you have to pay some interest? fees if you use a credit card. My mom doesn’t like to buy from anywhere other than the U.S. on eBay because of this.

Probably right maybe she thought once they were shipped and sat there youd pay the fees rather than worry about shipping them back.Too.strange

Have you filed any thing with Paypal yet? Can you or do you have to give her a certain amount of time to pick them up? Also, have you checked to see what they do with their unclaimed parcels? AND does she have a certain amount of time to claim the item before Paypal will refund you or their customs office do something with the parcels? This lady is a nut! DON"T offer to pay…If paypal will refund you your dollars, it is her problem if she doesn’t go pick them up…Even if she decides to go get them and then wants to play games and return them she will have the extra cost of shipping to send them back to you…What she is probably doing is hoping that if they are unclaimed, the PO will return them to you but I am not sure if they do that with international parcels??? keep us posted on how you go…will be interested to know… :smile:

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