Gave BB all my money damn sale!

I think the title says it all!

I hate to shop, just hate it but BB makes it too easy. Nice big sale 40% off of everything, fill up the cart because you think you need all those babies, you know they will be on sale again but not all at once!

I swear I think I may have sent one of their kids to college by now. They need to send me a box of chocolate and a birthday card!

Now I am so excited to get the babies…maybe I am closet shopaholic (online).


Lol, I’m debating another order! My issue is 27US for shipping, then another 15-20CAD in customs


Wow your customs is cheap :rofl: I always pay at least 50 CAD for mine lol I want some bb kits so bad but will miss out on the sale :frowning:


Oh wow!

Right! I want June, and Patience and now Aria because I love @Gabriell’s version. I swear I would’ve bought that doll if I had the money to, and I’m not even a collector! Overall though I don’t generally love bb kits enough to pay the shipping and customs but there’s a few I’m really tempted by!

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I did it to. I’ve been waiting for Brooklyn to go on sale so today seemed good. Of coarse I just made an order up to get Tink eyelashes. I should have waited.

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@MilosMeadows @Mommarobin Oh wow! I guess you need ONE HUGE order from BB than as your Canadian MP does not have that many low priced kits.

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Yeah, that’s about the only way to make it worth it. It usually isn’t, even with a big order cause I don’t love most of the kits the bb has (i’m super picky lol) So I generally prefer Macpherson’s. And they don’t use Canada post thankfully, which is another rant for another day lol

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I just bought one kit cause not payday till end week ugh but I was lucky to order kyrie she is going to be one of the twins I just got to order other kit when I can

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I just dropped another $300 today… after recently spending around $700 or so at Macphersons… Maybe not college, but I probably went in on a few textbooks. :grin:


I did good. I keep telling myself I don’t need anymore kits. I keep asking myself when am I gonna stop reborning. Before you know it, I’ll have a bunch of unsold babies taking over the room. I only brought another 7 month June awake.


I decided not to even look. I had already spent my extra money on the Truborns sale this weekend. :laughing:


I was doing so good for a while. I had my stash down to about 10 kits, slowed down on hoarding clothes and pacifiers. All was well… then Idk what happened. BB and their massive body sale, so I got a bunch of those. Well, I need kits for all of those bodies, so I ordered more. Between that and sculptors releasing a bunch of cute kits back to back (LE so I had to buy), my stash is the size of a huge mountain again. :roll_eyes:


I have a whole bag of bodies. Multiple of some, I don’t even look to see if I have the body when I pick a kit to reborn, I should tho. I actually should have checked to see if I have a body for ladybug. She is the first of her size that I am doing.


I learned the hard way that even with a nice sale, I’m basically paying full price with the international shipping fee of $30 and at least $40 and at least $40 for customs. :scream::joy::sob:

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I was pretty good and only got some eyes and an extra June to paint for me.

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I need to load up a uhaul full of BB babies and drive them to canada for you guys. I could be a reborn smuggler. Not fair you have to pay so much.


You are so sweet, I really like that sculpt sometimes funny looking babies are the best. Thank you so much made my day!

She has the sweetest smile.

I was proud of myself. I only bought newborn June, but I also have a kit on the way from MP, and another BB package to be delivered tomorrow :yum: When I told my husband June was on sale he says, “Yeah, she’s cute! Get her!” It must be the three day weekend that’s got him all friendly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: