Gave BB all my money damn sale!

I was REALLY good – I didn’t order anything. :slight_smile: I thought about it, but then I decided not to.


You were good! I actually need to have a spring clean out like I did last year. My problem is I love everything I buy, rarely a dud that I just do not like so I talk myself out of selling.

Oh my! Another me. Lol I can’t tell you how often I do this!! I lose eyes, hair, somehow lost exactly ONE limb to one of my kits. Then I think I bought x-acto blades THREE times now, yet my blade is still super dull. Want to guess why?:rofl:

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Yes, that is so me! Sometimes I find misplaced things or things I forgot I bought. I guess that is kind of fun except when I keep buying the same thing… because it is lost or I forgot I bought during the last good sale. I really need to get organized. I do keep a list of kits, but other things I do not.

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I love her smile

This cracks me up, I am always missing one eye of the color I really need. I will order new eyes, find the missing eye and it starts all over again…maybe the dryer sock thieves have added eyeballs to their stash.

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So if I lived on the border of Canada I could be a doll smuggler and make a nice living hahaha


Probably :wink:

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