Free kit from BB

I just made a qualifying order to BB. Any guesses what the free kit with be? I hope it’s not Presley Awake because I just ordered one.


I’m thinking Thomas. I’m okay with any of them though because I haven’t done a realborn yet.

What’s a qualifying order?

Orders of $100 or more excluding shipping costs

If you get Asher maybe you could trade with someone who wants him.


I’ve done Presley Awake, Kase Awake, Kase Asleep, and Asher Awake. I prefer the sleeping babies, but I guess it’s a roll of the dice on which one we get.
Curious on what everyone spent the $100 on. I bought a WilBeth outfit, a Chanel kit, a Megan kit, and a body for Megan. This will be the first time reborning those kits.

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I bought Lainey, Liam and Kate. Bodies and plugs for all of them. I also got some rooting needles, a few hospital bracelets, eyes, a tie, some fairy wings and a couple other things I can’t remember off the top of my head.

I restocked my ethnic paints,purple paint, a willbeth outfit, a sweetie kit, magnets, a hospital blanket, and several accessories, plus something else that I forgot about. I hope we get a realborn that we haven’t ordered yet.


I got the "OK’ from hubby so I’m off to check my supplies to make an order!! :sunglasses:

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Figures. I so wish I could do this but I have no money until Thursday.

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An order today of $100.00 before shipping and handling.

I just did my paint and varnish restocking order a few days ago, along with a body for presley. Not quite $100 worth but close to it, wish i would of known about this sale, i would of waited til today to order and just threw a few more things in my cart to get to the $100, so i could get another realbborn kit!

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I stocked up on blankets, hats and shoes.I know the knitted hats are kinda big, but I also have lots of baby showers I get invited to.

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I bought Presley Awake and Ben. I could have bought a couple more but was trying to stay close the the hundred mark.

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I bought a body for my Bella kit, Celeste for the challenge with her body, glass beads, and some bottles. My order ended up at $100.36 before shipping.

I got Celeste for the challenge, plugs, rings and a bunch of headbands then I threw in a $25 gift certificate to get me over $100. I didn’t expect that to work but it did.

I’m afraid the most likely free Realborn will be Thomas asleep since he’s the least expensive right now. I would prefer an open eyed one but if I don’t like the one I get I’ll just save it to trade at some point. A free $60-80 kit is a great deal no matter which it is.

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I wouldn’t mind Thomas. He’s interesting looking.


Well I am broke today so I guess I’ll be missing out…
:-(. Darn it. :frowning:

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I thought I would have to skip it because I’ve spent all my Dolly money, but it turns out I had enough that if I added just a bit more from my regular budget, I could just make it. I wish they had done this sale before I bought Celeste though.

I put my order in!!! I re-stocked on plugs, rings, eyes, bodies and matte varnish. I also ordered satin varnish to try it out. I thing @westernstarr has mixed the two (matte & stain) with good results and I’d like to try that. And…Celeste made it, too! :stuck_out_tongue: