Free kit from BB

I hear you. I did the same thing. Was at 90+ dollars. Just my luck.

I would love to know which kit you girls got… I couldn’t resist and made an order too. Ordered 2 kits , paints , hospital supplies and 2 gift certificate … I will keep it until one of the kits I like go on sale :slight_smile:

You girls who ordered gift certificates are so smart. It never crossed my mind. What a great way to extend the savings. And I’m a couponer. I should be ashamed for not thinking to do this.


Oh, nooo!!! :hushed:

I wouldn’t mind a Thomas or Presley Awake. It’s my favorite of all the awake Realborns.

I missed the sale too… sigh! I am just broke right now LOL. I try to fund my babies on my own and not hold my hand out to Bob for money. I am sure if I had come out and asked for it he would have given it to me, but I decided to just wait. He is taking me to a music festival in about 3 weeks and we are going to Arkansas to visit my family at the end of June. I didn’t see any need to ask for anything more.

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A friend of mine got her free realborn today. Asher . I can’t remember if it’s awake or asleep. Still waiting for mine


I got a Kase awake.

I also received Kase awake. Thank you BB

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Do you know if the free kit deal is still happening? I just heard about it today.

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No. It was just for Memorial Day - that day only. Bountiful Baby sent emails, so if you are not signed up for email notifications, you’ll want to sign up. You can find out about all of their sales that way. It was also listed on their home page, but I would have missed that if I had not see someone post about it.