Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium 869

I have been searching high and low for this. It has been out of stock everywhere and it truly is the only medium I trust and use to get rid of shine. I’ve tried the folk art outdoor matte medium and it left a lot of shine. Anyone know where it can be found?

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I think I read on this board a while ago that it has been discontinued by the company.

Oh no :frowning: :frowning_face: That makes me so sad. I have no idea what matte medium to use now. I’ve tried Liquitex and the glass and tile outdoor medium and neither worked well for me.

I just for the first time used Americana Decor soft touch varnish on my Darren, and I really like it. I’ve always just used Genesis matte but hate the texture. I wish I’d tried this particular air dry varnish much earlier. Maybe you could try it. I add the cornstarch to it per Angie Jones’ instructions and it makes it nice and matte, and soft.


DecoArt DuraClear Ultra Matte Varnish works very well for me. This baby is varnished with it.


I think I found some…but it is from India

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I looked at the site and it gave me a weird vibe. I’ll definitely check into it more though. Thank you for posting the link!

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I’m going to look into this one for sure! Is it air dry?

I’ll take a look!!!

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It is air dry. I usually put a 2nd coat of soft touch varnish but that’s nearly impossible to get right now so I’ve been doing a 2nd coat of DuraClear.

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Just ordered some! Thank you!

Thank you all so much for the tips!! Gonna try the deco art dura clear matte and see how it goes!

Let me check my stash today. I might have the glass and tile medium. I remember buying it but dont know if I still have it or not.

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I have lots of it that i got from someone here. I’d be willing to sell you what I have.

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I only use acrylics and am also looking for an alternative for glass & tile. I used the Americana Decor soft touch varnish with cornstarch and it left a nice feel but cracked and chipped like crazy.


How much cornstarch did you use in the soft touch and how did you apply it? I use it all the time. I’ve never had it crack and/or chip.

I wonder how much corn starch you used, like Jeanhai mentioned. A lot of artists use this and haven’t had any issues.

@cosmicgreengirlygirl Oh no! What kind of paint do you use? I have never had any issues either but would live your recipe for cracked and chipping. It would be perfect for my Alternatives. :slightly_smiling_face:

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thank you, it very well could be i cant remember the ratio I used right off hand. I had a specific ratio that someone recommended. I will look at it tomorrow and follow up


Somehow just saw this! Is it number 869? I would love to buy some from you! I’m in California