Felicity eyelids

I’m working on Felicity sleeping, for those who have done her, what’s up with those deep cuts in her eyelids?? Is it just me, I find it so awkward. I don’t know what to do with it :thinking:


That’s the reason I haven’t bought that kit. I don’t see why those lines were added. They don’t look natural.


I don’t know. I don’t like them either. I’ve never seen a real baby with creases going up their eyelids, only across. I’d have to fix them. Either fill them with 3D medium or sand them down with superfine sandpaper. Acetone on a Q-tip or toothpick will kind of melt them but you have to be careful not to get it anywhere else and wash it off really well.


If I buy her I will fill it with something (matte, nail extender, etc.) then disguise them as capillaries once I am happy with the depth.


Would some thick medium work?

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Maybe. I havent used thick much (just bought it and used it once)

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Those aren’t as bad as poor Kelsey. Her wrinkly eyes made me sad because she is such a beautiful baby and eyelids on newborns are so paper thin


I repaired the hole from the bubble in Twin B’s finger with it, so I think it might work.


I’m working on Felicity now and I hate those lids! I started rooting and that’s a nightmarel also as the head is so hard. Since I do air dry, I don’t bake, but I’m going to try heating the head a little with my blow dryer to she see how that goes, as using a rice sock is so inconvenient. IMO, Felicity is Harlows sister kit… They both have really wide heads and odd mouths…

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Just painted as normal


She looks great!

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I agree with all of you. I really didn’t look at the kit to much before buying it, my fault. But it was a kit of the day and I’m running out of kits so :joy: I just painted her as usual, and hope it’s ok. I do like her limps though, it’s just those lids.

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So sweet! Are you rooting or doing painted hair?

You did great! As long as you don’t emphasise them they don’t look that bad… :wink:
I was planning to leave them as they are, now I want to try vinyl putty on them.


I’m doing painted hair, I don’t root yet.


Thank you. I didn’t know how to fix it so I just had to leave them as is, but if you know how I’d highly recommend it :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve successfully used 3D medium to fill in things like that, but I’d rather not have to. I wouldn’t buy this kit because of it.


Your hair looks great! I’m heating this head every few minutes to be able to root it. My biggest concern is the awful smell of the vinyl. It hasn’t dissipated as I had hoped it would after washing and painting and sealing :triumph: I know BB is doing their best to keep kits in stock, but after this kit, I’m not sure how many more I’ll purchase until all of this stabilizes out a bit, which I hate as there are so many sweet new kits.


Thank you!!

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