Felicity eyelids

I am just finishing Felicity and hate those cuts in her lids. Mine took on a dark color right away and haven’t got any better. I have been working on her for over three weeks. Iv had many melt downs, I’ve lost count. I have stripped her about SIX times…I’m going to stop tomorrow even with her eyebrows heavy AND too high.a
I have felt like a mad scientist, after stripping her and repeating the SAME mistakes. She has had three sets of eyelashes, two rooted and one glued on. The second pair was glued and when I put the super glue ,never used super glue on eyelashes before for a good reason, it ran over the side of her face and painted hair​:angry::rage:. Of course this left a shiny area and the glue would not come off. I had to use acetone and strip the whole doll! I’ve heard folks on this forum say this is a relaxing, fun hobby, but these last few weeks have been anything but, I suspect I may be picking uup the chaos of this USA. I’m nothing if not stubborn!
Poor Felicity…


It is relaxing and fun when it’s going well. When it isn’t, not so much.


So sorry that she is so stubborn for you, but your story was entertaining to read! Hugs!

It’s relaxing for me only until I get into details. After that it’s get more and more intense with eyebrows and hair as a nerve braking culmination, especially if open eyes involved :crazy_face: So, you are not alone! :wink:


I thought those were strange too as I was painting but in the end I forgot about it and she came out gorgeous.


I tried to not emphasize the lids too much


I was just thinking the same thing…don’t emphasize (dark creases) them and it should be fine.


She is pretty… But after noticing these lid creases I’d have reservations about buying one. It’s one of those details that need to be looked at closely for this particular sculpt.

I agree that like most unflattering creases it can look ok if it isn’t emphasized… I don’t understand why these ones are there at all. Not even sure I’ve seen this puffy, droopy look on elderly people before. :thinking:

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I had t noticed before, but I will probably fill it in with vinyl putty

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Oh my goodness, so sorry she gave you such a hard time. She was a more difficult kit then other BB I’ve done. One of the things that annoyed me about was the hole opening in her head, it was so hard to hold being that 2 fingers barely fit to hold her! Did anyone else find that annoying

Not if you are a perfectionist :wink: I love bringing the babies to life but I also get very frustrated easily… usually because I wasn’t patient enough to check my details. I’m painting nb emmy asleep and her vinyl is so weird to me. Like painting a rock.


Oh no, I’ve ordered her to be my next one to paint :grimacing:. Now I’m anxious about it.

Where did you get your vinyl putty? I have her in my stash and may need to alter her lids as well. Do you think thick medium would work?

I got it at Macphersons

I’ve used 3D medium, which I think is the same thing as thick medium, to fill in small things like that. I put sealer over it before I started painting.

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I’m working on her now as an ethnic baby and I just kind of painted the eyelids as if the lines weren’t there. (i.e. didn’t do anything to emphasize them.) They aren’t as noticeable, IMO, if you don’t let any extra paint settle in there and darken them. I’ve added some capillaries that I’ve tried to place in such a way that your eye isn’t as drawn to the lid creases/lines.

Full disclosure, I didn’t realize when I bought the kit that the creases were there, and if they had been obvious, I probably wouldn’t have bought her. But, now that I’ve almost finished her, I don’t regret the purchase. She makes a cute ethnic baby. (I’m making her a boy.)


I really like her awake version. Would love to see it done as an AA baby.

Here’s my WIP of Felicity as an AA boy. The asleep version, but maybe it will give you an idea of the kit as an ethnic baby. I feel like the features suit an ethnic baby very well. The eyelid slits ended up showing more after I deepened my color, but I don’t mind it. When I get the eyelashes in, I think they will help detract from them some more.

Gonna name him Jakobe.

This is a 400% zoom in on an eyelid to give you an idea. I did some capillaries that are hard to see due to the graininess of the zoom…but I tried to paint them in tandem with the slits to make them “work” a little better overall.



He looks great!

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Thank you!!