Feb 2023 Ohio doll show

Not a lot of pictures as I was with my cousin, her daughter and my husband and it was pretty crowded and I felt very overwhelmed and was not prepared to answer questions about Aloenka but of course my cousin was happily showing her off and pointing at me and announcing that I made her :scream: I wanted to crawl into a corner! Iā€™m not super social and with the pandemic and shut down I got super comfy never leaving my house and talking to real people :pleading_face: I think I talked to @Msmimi04 and @JenLen those were the only reborn artists there. A lot of antique and vintage dolls and teddy bears a few art dolls and monster high repainted and a girl who resin printed fully articulated little dollsā€¦ I wanted one sooooo bad but I couldnā€™t decide on one cause the many options were confusing to me and it was hectic and overwhelmingā€¦ here are a few pics

Theses are the resin 3D printed dolls

Nothing like ROSE or Kansas or DOTW Iā€™m sure

More reborn artists need to do these regional doll shows cause I felt like people prob loved the reborns but thought they were pricyā€¦ I thought they were under priced for how much detail went into them :flushed: but most of the other dolls at the show were priced super cheap and at the end the vendors were just giving things away! I paid $5 for a1940ā€™s doll a vintage childrenā€™s book and two Boydā€™s bears catsā€¦ :flushed: no idea what Iā€™m going to do with a composition doll ā€¦ she said not to get her wetā€¦ now I kinda want to so I can see what happens :rofl: I wonā€™t thoughā€¦ Iā€™ll put her in some pretty vintage things and give her a good home. Poor thing!

with my Owen

Anybody else feel like these guys have little souls?

This is why I donā€™t touch things at shows cause I end up buying them :rofl::rofl::rofl: but for $5 ok


Sheā€™s cute! I used to do a doll show in my state until
it stopped this past year. There are two others and Iā€™m signed up to do one of them in a few months. Then another in Florida. Making it a mini beach trip too! Iā€™m excited about that one.

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I was amazed by the amount of vendors who didnā€™t make themselves available to customers or have things clearly labeled, priced or easily accessible. Some of the displays seemed precarious and were intimidating. One vendor was selling doll dolls for 8 inch dolls and was modeling them on the doll with a price tag on the dollā€¦ there was a small business card sized sign that said the dolls werenā€™t for saleā€¦ only the clothesā€¦ :woman_facepalming:t2: I felt dumb because I knew that was a rediculous price for such a cute doll but prices were so low for some things that I didnā€™t know for sure :flushed: and the vendors that swoop down on you with the entire history of the doll the second you look at it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I donā€™t know if I could ever be a vendor! It was nerve wracking just going to the showā€¦ but I like to people watch so that part would be funā€¦ tucked away in a little corner :wink:


LaDonna Briggs redoes some. This might be helpful?


Oh wow neat! Thatā€™s super helpful thank you!

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So you did make it to the show. You should have introduced yourself to me. The lady carrying the Aloneka doll had on a black nike shirt? I really liked your Aloneka so much that I went to macpheresons to order one. She was out of stock. Later while eating at outback, I look on irresistibles. I preordered 2 of her. If I remember correctly, I asked if you used genesis or airdry. Iā€™m glad you made it. Jen Len babies was beautiful. Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t introduce yourself to me.


I just focus on my little table, say hello and if they talk I talk. Iā€™m not good at small talk. I feel the awkward pauses in my soul! :joy:. Shopping in crowds is hard so I try to put blinders on to the crowds and focus on my shopping experience. If you did a table I am sure you could do it. It may give you some more confidence in those situations. A lot of shoppers donā€™t like to be talked to so you could just be there to answer questions.


I wasnā€™t sure it was you :wink: my cousin was the tall gorgeous one wearing the nike and her daughter kept picking up the babies lol I was wearing glasses and had the grey hair :wink: I was so thrown off by talking about Aloenka that I got flustered and lost my bearings :rofl::rofl::rofl: How awesome that you are going to make her!!! I canā€™t wait to see your version :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have a Lottie to work on and finish my wilby then Iā€™m going to start on my next Aloenka and prob have to order another one!!! I was seriously considering your Joseph he was so cute! He usually looks so dolly to me but you make yours adorable and all the little details :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my husband was really confused why I would want to buy one when I have all kinds of them at home waiting to be finished :woman_facepalming:t2: But he was so good for going with me and carrying all my stuff that I didnā€™t argue with him cause he is right :pleading_face:

Oh a little detail about Aloenkaā€¦ my last couple layers on one of her hands showed pitting on her finger tips so be aware! After that I started varnishing all my babies fingers and toesā€¦ I find pitting every few babies or so even when I look for them they just ā€œshow upā€ once I start getting color on and then itā€™s too late


Sounds like a dream vendor :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And I have a couple friends telling me the same thing about getting a table lol Iā€™ve realized that ā€œdollā€ people scare me, they are a different breed! Reborn people are a totally different type of collector!

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My mom would love this doll show! Sheā€™s got a pretty diverse collection. I tried to post a picture but itā€™s not bringing up my camera roll. Iā€™ll post it if it starts working again



Well at least we saw each other, lol. I understand about loosing your bearings. Your husband is right. If you have the kit, make him as a keeper. Iā€™m not a collector, yet, lol. I really liked your Aloenka. I looked at her key last year n thought nope, she has 3/4 legs. Seeing yours inspired me to get her. That was so nice of your husband to bring you. I hope you had a great time. I didnā€™t make any sales this time.so I think Iā€™m going to skip August this year.


She defiantly would have been over the moon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: those are beautiful! They are scary though because they are fragile :pleading_face:


Lol but if I paint and sell this one I can buy another one to keep :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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True :joy::joy:

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@PhotographyForLife i never thought about the difference in the collectors that come but I can totally see what you are saying. You definitely get the most questions from ā€œregularā€ doll collections versus reborn collectors.


I keep thinking about these dolls and thier cute little set up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I need to get my daughters tea table down from the garage


You should enter in the real show next year. Your dolls will be sold in a heart beat!


Is that an Effanbee Sweetie Pie with flirty eyes?

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I think so! Now I do recall her saying something like that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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