Expensive vs cheaper kits

I’ve been buying my kits from BB. Since in just staring out, I don’t want to mess up an expensive kit. Can someone explain to me is there any difference in the realistic feelings of the more pricey kits? I see a lot of kits that are over 100.00 on dolls by sandie. Do the higher price kits look or turn out more realistic looking?


Watching, I was wondering too!


Some of the kits are just expensive because the sculptor is well known , but the kit is not as nice as a BB kit. The more expensive kits tend to have more detail, but certainly not always. The vinyl on the BB kits is the best around and the babies come out very realistic so never feel bad about choosing one. They command good prices and look wonderful. I think we all tend to get favorite sculptors and we buy their kits no matter the price. I think the bigger problem with the BB kits is not their quality (which is high) but rather their availability. So many versions of the same kit get done and collectors want their babies to be unique. That’s why we pre-order all the new kits in order to get them out on the market before everyone has seen them even when they cost more.

But the BB kits are wonderful and a great choice for beginners who may not stick to the hobby and don’t want a huge outlay. They are not “beginner only” kits. In the hands of good artists they are certainly comparable to anything on the market. Just look at the prototype pictures and you will quickly see that.


Thank you, you explained that wonderfully. When I order kits. I’m looking at the prototypes. The facial features, hands n feet. I’ve never really paid attention to the sculptors name.


BB has many older kits and the only problem I see with them is the fact that most of them have 3/4 limbs which is a turn off for many reborners. As far as the BB vinyl, personally I don’t think you can beat it!! Their vinyl is nice, soft, a great color (the newer vinyls) you won’t ever be disappointed in your BB vinyl kits!! BB is a great place for beginners to start as their prices are unbeatable, their customer service is wonderful, and the kits and supplies are great!! Expensive kits are sometimes very disappointing. The vinyl limbs don’t match the head—not in colore but don’t match in "hardness’. Some of the expensive kits have heads as hard as ROCKS making them very difficult to root. I have been unhappy with more than one expensive kit. But I gotta admit----I sure love some of the faces and limbs on them!!


I think a lot has already been said by Lynn and Helen but BB is basically a huge company that can buy their kits in bulk and reduce the price significantly. That’s why they’re cheaper.

There’s nothing wrong the BB kits as far as quality, especially the newer kits. The older ones do seem to lack detail.

The high end expensive kits are usually expensive because sculptors produce them on their own in smaller editions and that raises the factory prices for them significantly. However, because they’re expensive and generally LE they’re much more sought after by collectors and tend to sell well…sometimes BB kits tend to have a negative stigma with the higher end collectors but a lot of people still buy them. :slight_smile:

I have heard that expensive kits sometimes don’t have as nice vinyl as the BB kits like Lynn said. :slight_smile:


@lynn Why do reborners not like the 3/4 limbs, it seems as though they would be more cozy in your arms as opposed to full arms, legs and/or bodies.


I don’t like them because there are less options with dressing. I was extremely frustrated trying to shop for summer clothes for my little girls with 3/4 arms.


It really is up to the kit… There is some vinyl I prefer over BBs but as far as look goes you can make an amazing baby out of a bb kit… Many cost more because they are limited edition and they know they can get more because the artist is high demand selling out within minutes… I just put in an order for some BB kits because I paint both and honestly I don’t end up selling one higher than the other…


That’s the only thing that I don’t like either. Trying to find clothes to cover the joints.


And trying to take pics can be harder too, in some poses the joints want to show no matter how you try to cover them


I understand that, when I watch Youtube videos, the people receiving the 3/4 arms and legs don’t seem to mind. I don’t have any reborns so again cannot compare anything, Guess I’ll be figuring it out as I go along. Been buying kits from BB when they go on sale. I will be starting one in a couple of days - Yay!


I don’t mind the 3/4 arms, but I always use a body for full legs even if the baby is supposed to be 3/4 legs because I love the look of a baby in a onesie (my favorite for real babies and reborns) so the 3/4 legs are a total dealbreaker for me.


So how do you get full arms and legs if your kit comes with 3/4? I do see that sometimes you can get a 3/4 arm and full leg body for a 3/4 arm and leg doll but that would make the legs look short wouldn’t it?

I use a front loading body, it works for most 3/4 leg babies but you really have to judge whether or not the thigh is long enough. Sometimes the legs will look short, but most kits have long enough thighs that it looks perfect. If the thigh doesn’t look long enough, I don’t buy the kit.


i prefer the front loading body. But I’ll still buy the kit if it takes the body with joints. I just ordered 3 kits. Two of them take the front loading body. But BB was out of them. I’m not experienced enough to figure out if the thighs are long enough. I usually click on the link for items that go with that kit n go from there.

Ok so the next kit ordered will be a 3/4 baby with the front loading body to see the difference, Thanks all.


Actually they are quite cuddly but usually it’s about clothing. Women like to shop and buy really cute little clothes and full arms and legs offer more options in clotheing. For instance, summer clothes with NO sleeves, shorts and sunsuits, things that you don’t have ot worry about the arm and leg caps showing. Full limb babies are just more versatile.


i prefer 3/4 limbs because I make my own bodies and the body for full limbs is just so much more difficult to make. It takes me ages to stitch the circular holes. The 3/4 limbs are also much more cuddly, as the shoulders are soft. I have plenty of jumpsuits without feet, and t-shirts and shorts or leggings, to show enough of the baby flesh, and covering the cloth parts.

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I also make my own bodies and hated sewing those circles. I tried base stitching by hand the casing for the zip tie to the circular hole instead of using pins to hold it together for sewing. It’s an extra step, but it is so much easier to then sew it on with the sewing machine.

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