EDITED: Supplies Update - March 15, 2020 - Currently 55%

EDITED: March 15, 2020, currently 55% of peak inventory. Data below is for March 11th (four days earlier)

We are currently at 57% of the inventory level of our peak. It will drop lower before picking back up.

Our peak inventory level was reached on August 16, 2019. We then initiated multiple mark downs on prices, coupled with heavy sales. This was done primarily to help people whose business had been damaged from certain events that began July 22, 2019. Then we had a supply disruption due to the current coronavirus worries. Coronavirus is pretty much a non-issue in Utah right now, with the exception of the massive disruption of supplies that has hit multiple industries, including ours. Also, flu season tends to end in April, so for 2020 Rose (at the end of June), we continue to anticipate that coronavirus will be a non-issue.

But right now we are at 57% inventory level and dropping. I have returned regular prices back to their level of last summer. This is the level we were at before the aforementioned events. I will, however, be putting one kit a day on as the “Kit of the Day” for half price. I will do that for awhile, so keep checking back.

Right now the Kit of the Day is Frankie, by Denise Pratt, for sale at half price:

Our main kit supplier is also used by many other artists. We cut our next order size in half, to make production room for the other artists as they prepare for 2020 Rose. It will also likely take the rest of 2020 to restore inventory levels back to their previous levels, so supplies will be tight for awhile.

Nevin Pratt, CEO


Thank you so much for being a company for the people! We truly do appreciate everything you’ve done :slight_smile: Personally I have canceled many of my subscriptions (photo tutorial sites, hbo, showtime, etc much to my kids dismay but hey… priorities) to have funds to buy one kit a month a full price. I plan to support BB as long as I can. You always have the best prices and best kits and now with the explosion of new kits coming all kinds of exciting reasons to be here

I hope this shipping issue resolves soon and you all arent affected to much. Thank you for all you’ve done and do


Thank you for keeping us posted and thank you for offering a half price kit a day :slight_smile:


Thanks for the update, love the new kit releases by the way :heart_eyes:

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That is exceedingly kind and considerate to adjust your inventory for the benefit of others affected by the supply issues. Would that others show such selflessness in tough times.


Thank you for being so thoughtful by updating us. Your kits are always excellent, even at full price. Your COA’ certificate have been created with much thought too. No detail has been over looked. Although I’m stocked up with kits I will still keep buying in a effort to support such a reputable and caring business. Hang in there, we have your back. :slight_smile:


I have been shopping with BB since I began reborning back 12 years ago and I will continue to shop with this company because it’s all for the reborn artists and their needs. LOVE, love, LOVE your Realborn kits and I have bought as many as I can afford, given that the Australian dollar is so low at present and now with this horrid Coronavirus disrupting everything, making matters even worse. Still, I appreciate your effort to see us through bad times and will be continuing to shop here whenever I can. Thank you.


Hi, I’m oh so new at this. I’m currently in the getting all the supplies I need. I want to learn both methods of painting. I love your kits. I am grateful, that you price doll kits at half price. It helps me alot. Hang in there, and stay open. I appreciate you and everyone. I just hope I can sell my family on the business end of reborning. Thanks


Thanks for the new update :heart_eyes:

All community events have been cancelled, is the rose doll show going to be cancelled as well?

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I was just about to post that to the main forum.

I am painting babies for the show, I am also stressed out about it, if it is still a go or not, what is the plan. If it isn’t happening I would like to put my energy other places. If it gets cancelled I will totally understand but I would like to prepare.