Ebay fraud watch out for this "lady"

Hi Ladies, I have not posted her in a while, but wanted you to watch out for this lady! She just bought my baby, and then sent me an email saying she did not like it and that the pictures made it look darker than it was and wanted me to “advise her” I told her I didn’t except returns and that the pictures were taken in natural lighting, she looked exactly like her photos. Next thing I knew she was selling her on ebay with MY pictures and acting like she made the doll! Also saying how great it was. I reported her to ebay, but I don’t know if they will pull her auction or not. Have any of you ever had this happen before? I am steaming mad right now! Here is her auction, with my pictures, watch out for this one!!!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … K:MEWAX:ITThis was MY auction for this doll
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … 0479600900

Thank you for letting us know about her!!!

She just ended the auction. I think she got scared, she sent me an email and asked why I was being so “hostile” she said it was a simple mistake that her daughter made. But I noticed she also had another doll listed that she had left feedback for today and used her pictures too! After I told her that I saw she had done it to someone else too, I went and looked and that auction was also gone. Now she wants to know what I am going to do about it! This woman is really one to block ladies!!!

You need to watermark your photographs. Thanks for the heads up, I"ve blocked her.

Well now now paypal is holding the money and she has opened a case against me with ebay. She says the doll was lighter than she thought it would be. Yet she used my own pictures to try and resell it! Now she says:
Dear cole7656u97,
Wow, why are you so hostile? It was a ‘simple’ mistake my daugher had made using the pictures of the doll I had purchased, lol. That is all. My daughter has 2 dolls she made herself up for sale. A simple ‘picture’ mistake that has been corrected already and the auction will show the correct pictures by tonight or tomorrow morning, lol. So, I don’t think e bay is going to say ‘anything’ about your report. What can we do about your Molly, please? I am a really easy going person and I respect the work you do. I know how hard my daughter works on these dolls and she is probably not as talented as you are. However, I was expecting a little darker skin as the pictures look very real, life like and the dolls limbs are just too light for my taste in ‘reality’, now that I’ve seen her.

  • earth_to_body_luxuries

If the pictures were really a “mistake” I wonder how she explains the wording of the auction matching the doll I sold her? I am so mad! Really watch out for this Buyer/seller!!!

Yeah, she also stole your wording as well. I noticed that. She can use the excuse of her daughter all she wants, but I believe she will still be responsible for what her ‘daughter’ did. Keep that email to show ebay. She admits you have superior skill to her daughter so the doll you sent her has nothing wrong with it.

— Begin quote from “BundlesOfJoyBabies”

Yeah, she also stole your wording as well. I noticed that. She can use the excuse of her daughter all she wants, but I believe she will still be responsible for what her ‘daughter’ did. Keep that email to show ebay. She admits you have superior skill to her daughter so the doll you sent her has nothing wrong with it.

— End quote

Thanks Karen! This has been very upsetting to me. She also did the same thing to another lady. But she ended that auction as well, right after I told her I reported her. I guess that was a mistake letting her know that I did report her. Ebay never got back to me last night about me reporting her, but I heard from them when I got up this morning that she had filed a complaint against me. How can she tell them the doll was not as pictured, but then turn around and use those same pictures to resell her? I guess if I had just not said anything, I would not have my paypal account frozen. But I was so mad that she used my pictures, and said how great the baby was when just a few minutes before that she was trying to get something out of me, by saying it was lighter than the pictures looked and to “advise her” I really didn’t know what she wanted me to do then. Ebay is so unfair!

Yeah, I’ve learned not to threaten, just do. The one negative feedback I have on my ebay account was left recently by a woman who bought a DS game console that I had added a few games to and she emailed me saying her daughter didn’t like it, then tried to say the unit didn’t work, etc. I kept the email and I went to ebay and they said if she tried to open a case against me, 9/10 she would not win. I told the woman I already asked ebay about it and told her what they told me. She hasn’t filed against me, she just left me negative feedback to which I was able to respond to.

So what will happen to you now? That woman has to send the doll back to you with her own money and it has to be in the SAME condition you sent it in. Then you will be responsible to send the money to ebay by a certain date/time, I think minus any listing fees, etc. Not real sure on that one. Either way, you get the doll back to resell. PITA? yes, but you really don’t want a woman like her having one of your babies, do you?

Thanks for the warning…sorry this is happening to you. Hope it all resolves in your favor.

Thank-you Denise, and everyone, I haven’t heard anything yet. Will let you all know when I hear something. I am very discouraged right now, alot of other things going on in my life this week, and I sure didn’t need this thrown on top!

— Begin quote from “Soogee”

Save everything pic and correspondence from this lady.

You need to cover your backside from anything she might try to throw at you.

I just brought up the auction! Is it the new one?

I know someone copied some of my descriptions word for word once and Ebay made them take them off. Not pics, just the wording and they said they couldn’t do that.

Keep bugging Ebay, they’ll eventually come through.

Good Luck!!!

— End quote

I have saved everything, including the auction that she cancelled with my pictures. The auction that it happened on is in my first post here, along with her auction where she used my photos. She is trying to say she wants her money back because the auction pictures showed the baby darker than it was. I used natural lighting for all the pictures and even closeups of her. The pictures do not look dark at all. But even if they did, why would someone use the same pictures to try to resell? Wouldn’t she be afraid someone that bought it from her, might say the same thing? It just does not make sense.

She also gave me this for an excuse, when I asked why she was using my photos, and that she also did this to someone else that she had just left feedback for so far she has not relisted any dolls…
Dear cole7656u97,

I had just written to you that my daughter has really ‘simply’ not paid attention and clicked on the picture folders for inserts into her e bay dolls…that were my saved pictures from my dolls. That is really ‘all’ there was to it and as you can see, it is being CORRECTED as we speak and you will see the ‘right’ pictures on the same auctions relisted soon, lol. I am sorry, but there really is nothing ‘mysterious’ going on in any of our auctions. I must admit though it was really ‘dumb’ not to pay attention to the picture folders. Just give it a little bit and you’ll see the same auctions with the ‘correct’ pictures

  • earth_to_body_luxuries

Wow! After an hour on the phone to ebay resolution center, they closed the case in my favor! When she used my pictures,that was a big no no, plus because she had put it on auction and then cancelled it because I had told her I reported her to ebay instead of filing against me first, she lost the case. What a hassle!! Thank-you all for the help you gave me!! I do appreciate it.

— Begin quote from “youngluv4ever”

yeah! So glad that it all worked out in your favor and thanks for the warning to not sell to this lady!!

— End quote

You are so welcome!!! I have been almost 24 hours getting this straightened out!

Congrats on it working like it should have!!! Thanks again for letting know about her!!!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I knew she was in the wrong all along, its just the fact trying to get eBay to know that is sometimes very difficult.

I think eBay knows how the sellers are feeling and are taking baby steps into making it a better selling environment. Anyway, one can hope!!

So glad it worked out for you!

— Begin quote from “BundlesOfJoyBabies”

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I knew she was in the wrong all along, its just the fact trying to get eBay to know that is sometimes very difficult.

I think eBay knows how the sellers are feeling and are taking baby steps into making it a better selling environment. Anyway, one can hope!!

So glad it worked out for you!

— End quote

I have to wonder if I hadn’t called them if it would have turned out the same way. They don’t give you much space to write in what happened, so I did get to explain it better by talking to them. She has also given me bad feedback since she lost the case, but ebay said if she did that, to get in touch with them and they would have it removed. But that could take 24-48 hours I think it said. I wasn’t going to leave her any feedback but after that-I did! Glad it is over for sure! She has been blocked, along with a bunch of others!

Wow! This lady is a fruitcake! She just sent me another email! I don’t know anyone who would want to deal with this one! Here is her email:
Dear cole7656u97,

You are an ‘awefull’ seller with a bad, bad character. I would not even want any dolls from such a negative spirit. Be assured that the forums and e-bay neighborhoods will hear about your way of dealing with this situation and as far as I am concerned; Karma is a b… What goes around, comes around, dear! Shame on you!

  • earth_to_body_luxuries

Wow, I am glad you got it all straightened out. If her daughter is a reborner like she says, she could easily have added more weight to the limbs. Geez!

You need to report her continuing harassment to eBay. You can also very simply block her on your email as well. I’d definitely report the harassment, though.

IF her daughter is a reborner, I feel sorry for her because her mother just ruined her reputation in the reborn world. WTG, Mom!

IF her daughter is a reborner, I feel sorry for her because her mother just ruined her reputation in the reborn world. WTG, Mom!

I don’t think her daughter has reborn anything yet, I noticed on the end of the auction she was doing with my photos,that she ended early she had said to watch for the preemie baby that she will be listing soon, so I checked goofbay.com and saw that she had bought a preemie kit, and 3 jars of genesis paint, so I think she is just starting. I do have to wonder though, on the auction she was doing with my doll photos, she also had a picture of a guild she was supposedly in. It was Exceptional Reborn Artist Guild, I wonder if she also just used that picture too and is not really in that guild. She sure is giving them a bad name too, if she is just stealing there picture too. I wonder if there is a way to find out if she really is in that? If you look at my first post and click on her auction, it shows it along with my pictures. I would bet she is not really in that guild because so far she has just bought and resold things.