Easter swap rules/deadlinešŸ°šŸ£

Sign up date starts now :slightly_smiling_face: and ends on the 8th
Keeping it simple as possiblešŸ™‚

  1. Size-18-22 in
  2. Bald or hair your choice
  3. No fantasy babies, Easter costumes accepted
  4. Sleeping or awake kits your choice
  5. Kit - your choice ( just remember to think of others, and donā€™t pick a kit you wouldnā€™t want to receive)
  6. Mail out by March 31st ( if you are doing this, and you are outside of US, you may need to ship sooner)
    7.I will need anyone that is participating to PM me your full name, and let me know if you have a preference with smokers/pets/ and also shipping outside of US
  7. I will also need your addresses, so I can get them out to everyone for their swap partner
  8. Iā€™ll need a pic of baby you will use before painting, 1 before put together with body & a pic when completed before packed ( these pics I need by March 30)
  9. Lastly, Iā€™ll need proof of mail date, and tracking number
    ( deadline for pics, just as long as I get them before March 31)
    Swap partners Iā€™ll pick, and please let me know If you are willing to ship outside of US
    Baby is kept secret, no pics anywhere until Easter and please donā€™t sell your baby.

Iā€™m in PMing you my info!


I added dates, partners Ill just pick , however I will make sure
pets/smokers and out of US shippers are placed with those who donā€™t mind

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If any of you can think of something Iā€™ve left out please tell meā€‹:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

So do the babies have to be mailed out by March 31. I would love to do it again but Iā€™m doing one for a benefit so that would be tight.i would help if you need help. Not sure what you would need help with.

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Easter is April 16, I made deadline 31. However if yu can get mailed out and they receive it by April 15, that would workšŸ™‚


We are going to keep the baby a secret and not show the baby anywhere till Swap right?


Yesā€‹:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:, thanks Ill add that

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PMd you.

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Iā€™m still trying to figure out if I can join.

@heartstringsnursery. Here is the next swap.

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Ladies and all Littleleo has been so kind to volunteer to take over Easter swap, so I can participate. She offered to do soā€‹:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:, I really wanted to be involvedā€‹:slightly_smiling_face: in the swap. As soon as she lets me know 100% then it will be posted :slightly_smiling_face: And of course if she canā€™t Iā€™ll continue


Are you creating your own Post about the Swap or are you keeping this one?

OK, Iā€™ll keep watching!

Easter is on April 16. Do packages normally get delivered on Sundays? @LittleLeo I know youā€™re making a new threadā€¦just wanted to ask before hand because itā€™s hard for me to wait!


I would really like to participate, but because of exorbitant import duties on packages worth over $60, I can only do so if thereā€™s another Canadian I can swap with. Alternatively, if you need someone to make a baby without receiving one, I could do that too.


That sounds great, littleleo is taking over swap so I can participateā€‹:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


I would love to be in it please


Are we keeping this post or has she started a new one

She is going to be starting a new one.

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I dont think she has started one yet. So just use this untiI :slightly_smiling_face: