Easter swap rules/deadline🐰🐣

Ok I definitely want in !

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:, Ive gotten several that have sent me their info​:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:, let me know when you want them and ill pm them to you

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I sent my PM yesterday so hopefully I am in!

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Hi, I just sent you a PM…

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I got a PM re the Easter swap but there’s no message.

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Did I miss this.

No, you have not missed it… @LittleLeo will be hosting it.


Ive sent her info from my pms so hopefully :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sigh me in! I’ll be starting beginning March. I don’t know if anyone will want to swap with me, I’m a beginning artist and my babies aren’t flawless.


Thank you very much for your kindness, you just made my day!

I just did my first swap the valentines one and it was a lot of fun and the lady who received mine loved her and gave me great pointers too that iam gonna use on this swap . Everyone on here is so help full and very sweet… I no from my own experience every time I do another one the get better and better so hang in there and just always post pictures and someone will help …


Thank you very much, I can see Im in the right place to be :wink:

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Click on the circle to the left of littleleo’s name and it will take you to her PM. We need to close one of these threads so we’re all on the same page. It,'s getting confusing.


Yes :joy::joy: I agree

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