Downloading and thinking out loud

For those of you who love babies, love baby dolls, love reborns and thought “Hey why spend 500 dollars on a doll when I can spend 4,000 and make one!” I hear you, I get it, and isn’t it fun. I mean you could have a special little reborn that arrives perfect and you can buy all the cute clothes and have fun or you can get up everyday and say to a sculpt “so who do you want to be, lets bring you to life” and have a LOT of fun.

For those of you who thought, I can turn this into a business and then when my family says “you spent how much on what?” You can say “hey I am running a business here, this is an investment, I am an artists!” I hear you, I get it, and isn’t it fun. Your secret is safe with me.

For those of you who said, "I can do that, man I am going to make so much money, a Kardashian is going to buy my baby for 14K, I am going to go IG, TikTOK viral! I am going to turn my garage into factory and slap some paint on these bad boys, how hard can it be. Stack the cash up on my dining room table like a boss! uh…how did that go for you? but I hear ya, I get it, everyone is looking for a good side hustle so you don’t have to shlep you booty over to someone else’s factory at 6am and get paind minimum wage, come home tired, and you had no fun at all.

I think there is a happy middle, and some people show up with all the talent, some have to work hard to build skills and some people, well it isn’t as easy as it looks and it is ok if this isn’t your super power, my guess is you have super powers you still haven’t uncovered, its ok, and you gotta try to find out though.

I think when it isn’t fun anymore it is time to find the graceful exit door.

I am not there yet but I have had moments when I thought, “If I go into that studio and have to look at a pile of babies today, I may cry”. So I take a little break, do something else, usually clean out cupboards, scrub a floor, clean up my garden, shovel up the mess in my kids room (damn kids are messy). I might draw, write in a journal, do chores that have been on my to do list for a a couple years.

Then I got back in that studio, sit down and think, “I am still having fun”.

I know there will be a day when I am done, done, done. When it isn’t fun anymore.

I have put off a lot of other things I love more so I could paint babies and I want to get back to them but it’s hard to think I would never make another baby.

With things slowing down, the knock offs, prices going up on supplies but going down on sales I thought, “this is the exit point” but here I am still painting, telling myself to paint all the sculpts I have and decide then if I am ready to close up the baby shop.

I went out to my baby storage space (it started off a drawer, then a shelf, then a whole bookcase, then a closet, now it is 1/3 of my garage (just storage of sculpts and shipping supplies) and I thought what is the damage here, how many babies left to paint (that was before I bought four sculpts from Jenni).

[This is to let you know you are not alone, or to warn you if you are just starting out, this hobby can get a little hoardy]

I have only 61 sculpts left to paint.

Six of them are sculpts I bought early on when I sold my first babies, sculpts I told myself I was not going to paint until my skills got better. I put them in the way back, a couple months ago I rediscovered them, Evangeline, Americus, Delilah, Anastasia, Twin A and B and a Saskia. I have since painted a couple of those sculpts but the ones I bought way back then have dust on their lids and are still waiting.

I have been painting down my BB since the pandemic, I can’t believe I am down to 13 realborns. Then I have 22 Circus babies (Bountiful baby realborns, and artist made, and artist babies from MacPhersons)

I have four mini babies. I went through a mini baby phase, they are hard work. You would think they would take a minute to paint but they need all the layers, all the baking and you need to get some granny readers that are an inch thick to paint them.

I have some silicones I bought when prices were sky high for them…erg

I am most excited about sculpts I bought to make circus babies. I want to go crazy with them. I have been putting baby clothes aside that will make good costumes.

I am going to do my best not to buy anymore sculpts, use up all my heat set paint, use up all my mohair, my drawer of eyeballs, use up the baby clothes…

If the cupboard goes bare and I feel a sense of relief I will be done, if my heart aches I may keep going. I will have to wait and see, but until then I am having fun and I appreciate every person who buys a baby I appreciate every annoying email I get asking strange questions, trying to find a way to get a baby for nothing, or telling me about a one eyed granny with limp who needs a baby, “full silicone, blonde hair, not too light, maybe some red highlights, blue glass eyes, has a drink and wet system, comes with a nice layette, a big box opening, look likes her husband (insert baby photo of him) and is under 300.00 and I need it shipped by next Thursday its her birthday, thank you granny will die happy”. yes I even appreciate that lady, she knows what she wants and it trying to find a way to get it.

(and don’t read that last paragraph out loud, it is a run on and I know it, grammar is not my super power).

I appreciate that for the las 6 years (maybe more) I have been able to do this, make a little money, not big money, but enough to keep this going and buy a few things I wanted for myself, this year I bought an old creaky, moldy boat with some of that money. I love it, it is a lot of work but something I have always wanted to do, on my own.

If you are just starting out, or thinking maybe it’s time to be done I think you know, you just know if this is for you, and if it is how long that journey is going to last. All the other stuff is just noise and worry. Paint babies because it brings you joy. If they sell bonus, if they don’t you are surrounded by beauty that you collaborated to create.

Side note:

Last week on IG I got a series of reels on my feed that were offensive to me. I did what I have told myself I will never do on my baby IG and that is respond. My rule is don’t feed crazy, it just makes it reproduce. I had a moment of weakness… if you know me I am opinionated and mouthy, I am bossy and I lack filters. I blame it on birth order (oldest) genetics I am Portuguese, Spanish, I have some French and Irish thrown in. I don’t drink and I dress funny, but all the other stereotypes apply.

So I engaged. I found it amusing that some replies to my comments (and there were several) were, “You’re stupid, you are a sheep, the world is ending and you are painting your kids up like clowns, you are sick”

“I looked at your profile, this looks suspicious, I think this may be a trafficking site, if I were you I would shut it down sicko”

“Look what you are doing to your children, what is wrong with you, this is abuse”

I sat for half an hour reading and laughing.

I guess they went to my profile…

They thought those were my children?

I am kinda flattered but also very confused, and I have to admit a little entertained.

One guy said I was sooo stupid and evil that if I was sitting next to him he would cut my larynx and laugh at me as I bled to death…

No more commenting on IG. Lesson learned (and I blocked and reported that guy for what it is worth).

It use to be a fun place for art, it has changed a bit.

That is what is happening in my strange little brain and baby workshop.

What is happening in yours?



I feel you on all of this.

I havent painted a doll in 3 years. I miss it and i intend to get back into it as soon as i have the funds for a new oven.

Aside from that ive been sewing. Ive never sewn anything until that first bear. I am intimidated by new patterns and techniques. But i keep trying and learning

I also write fiction. I have been writing a story for montjs and i truly love it. But then the imposter syndrome comes in.

Still i keep writing.


Good Lord Gina…people are sooo hate filled and nasty…and in the cutting your throat thing…downright vicious…that is a threat…someone needs to get that guy and put him in a mental institution…I just can’t imagine :scream:

People just live to be mean…your babies are dolls…and advertised as such…I mean…what the heck??? :angry:

I thought I would be painting by now…I found most of my stuff…but then the garden came in…so no babies yet…

I have never had a stash…the most I have had at one time is probably about 6…I think i have 3 or 4 right now…
And I’m not ordering any more until I see if these will sell.

Ebay is trash now…but it’s my only sell source…I may come over to Reborns…we shall see.


Try air dry paints. Cheaper than a new oven.


…and they call you stupid? You’re so funny. Reborning is still my favorite thing to do. Once in awhile one sells. It’s not a business for me but has provided funds for car repairs, supplies, etc. I have enough kits to keep me busy for years. If the day ever comes that I don’t enjoy it anymore, I will give away the completed dolls and sell my supplies but I really don’t see that happening in this lifetime.

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I’m tired. Over 21 years of painting reborns and it’s finally caught up to me, all of it. I miss Genesis varnish and thinning medium. I don’t care for any of the replacement mediums, and I have tried most of them. Some are more okay than others but none can truly replace Genesis, they just can’t.

I’m tired of doing the same quality of work that I was doing 3 years ago but now having to list at half the price in hopes of making a sale because the market is saturated with “artists” who sell theirs for $100 and new buyers expect low prices because some don’t believe or care that in most cases in life, you get what you pay for. Kind of takes the fun out of painting…why knock myself out for a $300 sale?? While reborning was never a business to me, I do prefer to be paid fairly.

I’m tired of knock offs and scammers. Reborning used to be about the ART, not about making our way through a jungle and that’s what it feels like now.

I’m tired of FB police who will report out of spite or jealousy or meanness just to see if they can get an account shut down. And to what end? I’m hardly a threat to anyone; my dolls are middle of the road at best. Leave me alone.

I’m tired of the endless inane questions. I’m tired of spending countless hours taking pictures, wording listings so that anyone with half a brain can read and comprehend ~ but people don’t bother to read. If they did, they’d find their questions are answered within the listing.

I’m tired of living in a warehouse ~ I had a walk-in closet when I moved here. I can’t walk into it now. Too many kits, way too many baby clothes that I bought because they were oh so cute, so why do I need to buy more clothes every time I paint a doll?

I’m tired as a seller, of having to prove that I’m not a scammer so someone will actually buy one of my mediocre dolls. Shouldn’t the buyer have to prove to us that THEY aren’t scammers??

I’m tired of ridiculous supply prices. Pretty sad when a teaspoon of Genesis on sale for $7 makes me happy.

I am painting down my stash and when I’m done, I’m done. I probably have 2 years worth of kits left to paint. The exit door is getting closer.

I’m not complaining. The years I’ve spent reborning have been some of the best years of my life. I’ve met people from all over the world, made dear friends, shared life’s ups and downs and everything in between, I’ve had a great run, but unless things pick up and sales improve, I’m done when I’m done. No regrets.


That little voice in your head that’s telling you that you, and what you do, isn’t good enough is lying. Tell it to shut up, keep writing, and doing what you enjoy.


Love reading your post. I’m kind’ve all over the place, I’ll get sick of it all and stop painting for months. Then I get the urge of creativity, or like this time, a family member or friend will ask me to make one, and that gets me hooked again.
I’ve actually given it up twice in the past 12 years, gave away all my stuff, just to start it back up later.
So, now I just take breaks for however long I feel like, but know better than to get rid of my"doll stuff" lol.


You know for every hateful person who hides behind a keyboard there thousands of good people, you and I know them well. Always some bad apples. I always wonder what (besides a kind gross and unformed prefrontal cortex) makes people so sad, mad, angry and mean, not to mention the 48 hours kinda awful.

Did they not get enough love, attention, vitamins? did they get picked on too much, ignored, neglected? Did the grow up being taught the world is against them or they are never going to be enough?

Moms need to be in charge, good moms, moms better than me, that will get everyone fed, clothed, in bed early, get them to the doctor, make em do chores without complaining, love people up, make them feel special, important, valuable, more than enough. Those boss moms need to straighten out the other moms who can’t get it right because no one showed them how.

Mom for president, mom for congress, mom for senate, mom judges, mom everything.

(you knew I would find a way to slip in a little political somethin’ -somethin’)

That man is a coward, that’s all.

Take your time, make your house beautiful and the dreamy, a place you can wake up in and go “damn this is awesome, I love it”. You have worked hard you deserve it.

Babies can wait. Good and fun things are worth the wait. Sell on, it is a good platform, Dave keeps it safe and it is priced fairly. Not a lot of crazy there (just a little).

Some cute babies being sculpted out there not sure how I will resist. Not sure how you will!

Have a great day



Glad you are still here over on the dark side.

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:heart: :heart: :heart:

If writing feels like it is a part of you, you have to keep writing, I love that you do, that is so cool. I love sewing softies. For about a year or two I sewed all kinds of crazy fabric things, they were pretty ugly but in a gotta-love-it ugly way, Charlie-brown-christmas-tree way. Throw the patterns away and play, you got all kinds of creative ideas in that well of yours.

As women we need to send a great big middle finger (BB won’t let me use my favorite F bomb here) to the imposter syndrome, damn its a dream killer.

Rock on sister, write, make, paint, life is short.


True and less toxic, check thrift stores, I have found so many ovens this way for under 15 bucks. People by them, don’t know how to use them, they get dusty and they donate them. They are usually the dial ones but those work perfectly.


Ive written on and off since middle school. Usually i get a quarter of the way through a book and stop. Imposter syndrome gets me every time.

Im 43 now and i still get the constant urge to write. ( usually fictional romance/Sci fi)

Im determined to finish this latest book. Even if i never publish it. To just finish it for myself would be enough. I used an AI app to create pictures of my characters by putting the book descriptions into the AI. It seems to have helped with motivation thus far.


I’m amazed they thought the clowns are real children…I mean they look amazing, but what baby would actually sit still enough for someone to put that amount of makeup and hair color on perfectly?? Lol
Those comments from people were very ugly…this is why I’m glad I don’t do any social media.
I wish I had that kind of kit stash. I have a tiny collection, enough to paint a couple to sell and a few that I’ll paint and keep…but then again I sometimes get overwhelmed because I have a few I need to get back to and finish. I couldn’t imagine my life without painting.


I never got around to selling. I feel like my brain is already anxious and cluttered and that customers would just give me more stress. I haven’t made many babies this year. I think 3 cuddles, refurbished an old Gerber baby, and right now I am refurbishing a 50 year old baby doll. Usually while I’m off for the summer I paint some babies for me but I haven’t gotten around to it. I have a big tote full. I have a few that need rooted and I’ve been avoiding them, so I kind of want to finish that before painting any new ones. I have been doing a lot of watercolor lately. I’m doing a few commissions for pet portraits, and then I do other things for gifts or just play around. I have someone interested in buying a doll too. Not quite ready for that yet but I might do it. Here’s a few watercolors I painted recently.


You know how much i love your paintings Lisa!!!

Gina…this big ol’ ark is whoopin’ my butt…the guy is coming to do final grading in 1 1/2 weeks…i want it…but my mind is going over all the grass seed and straw i will be throwing and raking. AND…i have to empty out Mom’s basement…

I guess we have made headway…at least we emptied Nate’s and Chris’ and my BIL’s garages …it’s here…maybe I will unpack it next year. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I am a decent painter not great by any means and many are much more talented. I am sitting on a stash I would love to sell, as kits . I am in my late 70’s and will never finish all I have. I am thinking of trying another avenue with my painting or just getting out. It is not so much fun these days and I take less time to paint anymore but I just ordered two more from Irresistaibles , just what I need. Maybe thinking more of fantasy painting which is fun for me still.

I do not have a following after 12 years and I feel I am at stand still. So many newbies are coming into this reborning and where there were 800 for sale on reborns now there are 1700 for sale.
Some sell very regularly and some sell because they are cheap. Too many knockoffs are on the market and people will continue to buy them. They aren’t looking for quality just cheap.

What use to be an art is now overun with factory knockoffs and very poorly painted but they are selling. I root hair and it takes alot of time when everyone else is painting hair. Use to be bald or rooted when I started now everyone tries to outdo each others painted hair. Times change and this art has gone through many cycles and I find I cannot compete with a lot of the very talented artists these days. Some of you are truly gifted painters. I have never watched a tutorial or taken any classes and am self taught in all I do.

To sum up my thoughts I am going to try to sell kits and get to a manageable number to paint down and try a new area maybe. The last few years have been tough with all I have to do.

So if any of you very talented people need kits BB, Le, SOLE feel free to ask . Blunt and bitching done thanks
gina for this thread. LOL Paint on ladies.


I envy all of you who root whole heads of hair, y’all make it seem so easy, when I know for a fact it’s FAR from it!
When I see gorgeously rooted dolls, I know they are worth a lot more than my Prisma or painted hair babies. Several years ago, I tried selling dolls with no hair before learning to draw or paint hair, but they’re hard to sell, so I learned to do the Prisma and painted hair.
I just absolutely get stuck anytime I try to do things with needles, aka rooting, sewing, of any kind :sob::joy:


You are so talented, beautiful paintings :heart_eyes:

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