Dotwe news

I didn’t get good pics of mine. She’s a heffalump. She’s a bit messy. But I created her in just a few days while I was down with pneumonia. So I guess I should be proud of 3rd place. :wink:


Cute! Great use of that kit!

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I love your heffalump. Absolutely beautiful.

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Thanks @jlesser and @ttulsajess :grin:


Congrats to all the winners!!
The show was amazing and by for my favorite doll show of the 4 big ones. I’m fairly certain we will be moving to a new venue next year. Unfortunately this hotel lied to them about renovations and new ac so it’s not the show runners fault. They were just as upset as the rest of us I’m sure. It wasn’t the amount of people in the room making it so hot that the ac couldn’t keep up, it was the fact that the ac was broken. People messaged me on Facebook saying they never even made it to my far back corner because they were too hot and had to leave, so my sales were not great. But with a new venue and working AC this show will be unstoppable! :grin:


I agree! Best show of all! And yep. The Hilton promised to fix all of those issues. And they told Bobbi and Melody that the ballroom got new air conditioners 2 weeks ago. But they just got new compressors. And it looks like they have done absolutely nothing to fix the elevators. They were bad last year. But they were down right scary this year. I’m so glad we were on the second floor and could take the stairs most of the time.

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Yes! So much FUN!
The line started to form at 11:30 pm so some people were camping all night. Crazy, lol!
The only negative is that with so many people on the show floor it was so hot.
I sold 10 out of 14 and won the 1st place in Fantasy Vinyl category.

The show was so busy that I even didn’t have a chance to see/talk to everyone, so when I look at the pictures i think ‘how I didn’t see all that?’ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So many my previous moms brough their babies with them, so it was so sweet to see them again and see how much they loved! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you! :hugs:

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Like Kelly said at the banquet ‘It’s ok that we didn’t win any ruffle prizes. We will be the contests winning table!’ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Can’t comment more than 3 times, so I jam it here - It’s for your elephant picture:
She is soooo adorable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I LOVE your creative mind!

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Yes, congratulations to all our winners! I was very proud for you all!
I talked to Bobbi afterwards and asked her where we were going next year. She said they were looking at Wilmington, Durham and Greensboro as considerations. I would love it if they chose Greensboro! That would knock 1 1/2 hour off my road trip! LOL! I will go wherever but I earnestly hope it is not back at this Raleigh Hotel. 2 years in a row now there have been AC issues, elevator issues, and people complaining they had bugs in their rooms. Thankfully I did not see any bugs!


Right on. Congrats!

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@Katinafleming what an adorabke heffalump…and you made her while you were sick with pneumonia…thats pretty impressive!!!

Congrats to ALL the winners…:smiling_face:


Here is my Sweet Tooth baby - he is my keeper :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


Fabulous! Congratulations!

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Thank you! :hugs:

I love this lil guy!!! His gaze just tugs at your heartstrings :heart::heart::heart:

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That is just too precious! Looks like he is begging for a hug!

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Yep, he is a sweet hybrid boy who was raised in the woods of the Yellowstone park, saved from the lab by a genitor man whom he called Paba, away from the humans who hated and wanted to kill all hybrids kids and blamed deadly virus outbreak on them (every baby who was born in that period was a hybrid baby). Because of that he was taught by Paba to hide from any people’s interaction. After 10 years and losing Paba to a virus which they call ‘Sick’ he had to find the strength and courage to go in the world and find his mother and save the world. So I would be scared too.
BTW, his name is Gus which stands for Genetic Unit Series, but he learned that later on his journey of finding his mom.



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Thank you! :hugs: