Dotwe news

The elevator story is a nightmare! I could not make it this year but I remember it was really hot last year. I see they did not fix that problem.

Egads! The story I was told by Natalie Scholl was that Jayk Kearns and his baby were on the elevator and it fell 2 floors. But like I said, I don’t know that first hand to be them or not. All I know is I was on it one time and it totally skipped my floor and kept going up to the top and then I had to punch my button to get it to come back down and stop at my floor.

We are leaving out this morning to drive over to Durham to meet friends for breakfast and then heading back to GA. I am SO ready to get back home to my bed and my cool house!


Glad to hear everyone did ok and had fun but the venue sounds horrible! Who ever is putting on this show needs to do a better job next year or they are going to wind up with no buyers!! Man, that elevator issue sounds extremely dangerous!!


That is very scary…:scream:

We got home about 6 pm. Unloaded and I took a shower and just ate a sandwich. I have yet to unpack my babies but I think that will be tomorrow.


Congratulations! Well deserved!

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A lot of people are saying on FB that they left the show floor because they were about to faint from the heat. Many are saying they truthfully did not get around to all the tables because of it. I had felt that might be the case because people always hit the booths first and then the tables and we were at the back. The side of the room where the booths were was the hottest so many said they gave up by the time they got to some of the tables. They were just too hot to go on. My sales were good overall but not as good as last year. I also felt like we were hemmed in on all sides so much. I had a corner table and there was not enough room between me and the lady at the table behind me. She and I each had to move when the other one wanted to get in and out, or anyone else down the table line as well. I felt one whole side of my table where I had the wire shelving of items was being covered up by the traffic jam of people stopping there to talk and visit or listen to prize drawings. It wasn’t until Sunday that I started selling those items like the bottles and such. People were coming in saying they did not realize I had stuff there too but they could better see it on Sunday because it was not so crowded. It was frustrating because I paid the same price for a corner table as a booth and I did not feel like I got to take full advantage of the landscape when it came to having the elbow room to sell.


Sounds like not a good situation…hopefully they will learn from this and and book a better venue next year…i can’t imagine why they would book a place with no a/c…ugh…


They have ac. It just cant handle the extra heat from the crowd of people. From what I’ve heard.


It doesn’t help that the fire code for that room was 300 people. There was way more than that.


I don’t think the AC was working in the showroom. I never heard it come on. And the thermostat on the wall by us was just bare wires. It was way worse than last year. We were against the wall, so Rachel, Caitlyn, and I went to Walmart Saturday evening and bought 2 box fans to put behind our tables. That made us much more comfortable on Sunday. Plus the hotel or someone added a few fans along the aisles Saturday and more on Sunday.


I didn’t start selling til Sunday either. Only 2 on Saturday. But there wasn’t much traffic on our row Saturday. People couldn’t get through the middle to get to us. Sunday was better because they could actually get to us.

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Jayk told us that absolutely did happen. Thank God his baby is too little to remember that. If he had been with his older kids they would probably have been traumatized. :grimacing:


I just saw that our lovely @YelenaRey deserves our congrats as well! :heart:


Where did you hear 300? I asked Bobbi. She said it was 300 per section and we had 4 sections. So 1200.

Bobbi and Melody have worked way too hard to build the best show. I seriously doubt they will allow a venue to ruin them. I highly predict it will be at a different location next year.


We swept fantasy vinyl. Yelena won first. Kelly Sullivan won second. I won third. And Caitlyn got 3rd in silicone. And Kelly also got best hair painting.


That makes so much more sense. I was going by what I was reading on the wall. It didn’t mention sections.

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I would agree. I talked to one of her boys. He said they were looking at Greensboro.

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Oh! Congrats to you too! I havent seen your entry yet! :heart:
The others I saw on social media. lol