Dotwe news



Congrats!!! Beautiful baby too!!!

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Congrats @quiltsabunch !

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Congratulations. Thats amazing.

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Congratulations, Amanda!!!

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Congratulations! It was well deserved. Your baby is gorgeous!

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Nice! Congratulations!

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Well deserved! Congratulations Amanda! :tada:

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Congratulations !

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I see some other forum friends need congratulations as well

@PhotographyForLife , @RosieCait



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Well deserved, congratulations!!

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Waiting for check in from our DOTWE gang… Sales? Fun?

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My friend sold about half her babies. There are tons of people and so HOT. Like people were feeling faint yesterday. The lobby was deafening last night but everyone is having a blast.


Is there no A/C? :open_mouth:

Hello all! Overall I did not do bad but my sales were not as high as last year. I took 12 vinyl babies and sold 5 of them. 4 varying silicone combinations and sold 2 of them - one 12 inch full body and my BB Jameson. I sold lots of vintage bottles, some clothing, bags, paci clips etc. None of the jingle blocks I made were sold but those can be gifts with purchase on future babies.

I did not care for this hotel last year and liked it even less this year! No one comes to clean the rooms, make beds, bring towels or anytihing
I went down to ask for towels and toilet paper at the front desk and she acted like I was a bother. She said she didn’t know if she had any towels. She
finally came back with 2 and a roll of TP
The elevators kept breaking down
I heard it fell 3 floors with someone in it but not sure if that is true or not
They are saying they are looking for a new venue next year
in the NC area
I think some people gave up and went home yesterday it was so hot. People pouring sweat literally. Halls are hot here. Our room is cold but we keeping it on 69.


Are you still here? Somehow I missed meeting you.

Yes, it’s true. My friend and I talked to the people it happened to and it also happened to her Friday night after taking her to the ‘8th’ floor.

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