Doll show pics!

Had such a GREAT TIME today! Got to spend time with @AmyR777 Amy, @Awise1to Allison and her daughters, @colee1970 Mandy and her daughter, @jubileej Julie my reborning IDOL, and @snuggle2me Carrie ~ and @alicekay56 was there but I didn’t get a chance to meet her…boo…and I took my Gracie Easter Baby from @lisalampe ~ so it was kind of like having @lisalampe with us :smile: Hope I haven’t left anyone out, my brain’s kind of on overload right now :wink: Here are some pictures:

AND DESSERT!!! OMG…the BEST!!! :smile:

Thank you, @AmyR777 Amy, for driving ~ it was such a GREAT DAY!!!


OMG! You all had a great day! So jealous! No wonder the forum has been quiet! You guys were out hanging with each other and dolls!


I am so happy you guys could have so much fun together. I only wish I could have been there.


Hoping @AmyR777 will come along and post some pics of Miss Marissa…she was a HUGE HIT! We managed to keep her from being kidnapped, WHEW!!! :smile:


Looks like you guys had a very enjoyable day…!!..and I wish I hadn’t seen that yummy dessert…it will be haunting me for some time…!!..


Looks like so much fun!


Oh I love the photos!! They dolls are all so cute, you guy seem to be having a blast, and omgee that dessert looks amazing!! :smile:


I see Boyd’s Bears! Looks like you had fun and the babies too.


Thanks for the pictures! It looks like everyone had a nice time, glad you all had a chance to get together and enjoy yourselves.


You lucky ducks! That looks sooooooo super fun!!! YAY!


Looks like yall had a blast ! Now even more excieted for the Rose show! All those beautiful babies ! Who was the first baby Amy was hoping up in the white n pink trim ?


Fun for all! Yay! Thanks for sharing!


It’s Gabriel lol got it !


Looks like you girls had an amazing time! So cool that you could all meet up! Hope to be at one of the meet ups someday! :smiley:


Omgosh how much fun!! I can’t imagine what Utah will be like!!! Karen @kareninflorida it was wonderful to meet you and you are just as nice as I figured you’d be. Amy @AmyR777 it was so awesome to see you again and thanks for grabbing Karen and bringing her along. I had to leave so I could go to work so I missed Carrie @snuggle2me. I also got to see Alice @alicekay56 for a few minutes. Allison @Awise1to and her daughters were just great and everyone had such beautiful babies. It was wonderful to meet Julie @jubileej too. Can’t wait for July. We will have a blast. Karen I sure wish you were going.

I didn’t take any pics. Bob took 4 and here they are. He just kinda stayed in the background. Bless him lol


Great pics, Karen @kareninflorida and Mandy! I had a blast today!!! Riding with Karen was a hoot! We laughed all the way there and back. :joy: As always, it was great seeing Carrie @snuggle2me - my other partner in crime. :wink: It was great seeing Mandy @colee1970 and Alice @alicekay56 again, although, I lost Alice…I’m so sorry, Alice!!! :scream: (Melanie, @Blissfulbabies, we missed you!)

I was so excited to meet Julie @jubileej and Allison @Awise1to! Julie’s babies are adorable and I fell in love with two of them! It warmed my heart for her to hold my Marissa (Grant). :heart: Allison brought her first three babies…she has some natural talent! :blush:

So, my morning started out with getting Marissa ready.

On the way to Auntie Karen’s, we had a stoplight catch us short so it was a fast stop and I felt the car seat hit me in the back. I pushed it back on the seat but it felt really light…Marissa was now sitting on the floorboard. :astonished: She was happy so I left her there. This is how I found her when I got to Auntie Karen’s:

Yes, I just earned the “Mother of the Year” award - NOT!!

Julie’s table looked great! Here she is holding Marissa.

These are my favorite babies of hers:

This is a lady that couldn’t get over Karen’s baby and Marissa. Notice the doll in her bag on the bottom left. :laughing:

This adorable romper is the only thing I bought:

And, because it was just that good…here’s my view of the dessert Karen and I shared:

I had a great day!!! Karen learned that I can be kinda’ slow sometimes. I was touching an adorable baby and oohing and ahhing and Karen was next to me chanting “Don’t touch it, don’t touch it…” I was so enamored with it, I totally didn’t see the sign that said “Do not touch.” Whoops!!! :open_mouth: I learned that I must rescue Karen when strange men talk her ear off and won’t let her leave their table. Sorry, Karen. :kissing_heart:

After dropping Karen off, I stopped at Starbuck’s and got an iced tea for the ride home…mmmm, icing on the cake. :smile:


I thought that one lady was going to snatch Marissa lol


Had a great day with Amy and Karen. Sorry I missed the other ladies. :frowning:


You’ll have to post a pic of your new cradle!


Looks like yall had an awesome day !! Loved all the pictures.