Does this look Olive?

Hi there everyone! I posted a thread about this painted doll kit before a few years ago: Do you think this baby's skin tone looks light latino?
I didn’t know if I should bump that thread or not. Anyway, my question is does this look like an Olive skin tone?:

The reason I ask is Sue Ellen is getting ready to start a Mediterranean series on Patreon. From what I understand, Mediterranean is an olive complexion.
I apologize if this is a weird question. Are skin tone questions weird? Edited to add that the doll in these pictures is not my work. Credit goes to his artist, Melinda Steagall of BB Studio Babies (I have permission to share.)

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Beautiful baby. But he looks Caucasian to me.


This is what I think of as olive skin tone.

You are getting there I think.


I agree he looks slightly darker Caucasian but is definitely getting there!

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I agree with Angie. Olive tones come in light to dark, in varying degrees. If your baby will have really dark hair, I think that will add to the olive tone ethnicity you may be going for. I had a friend once who had Mediterranean coloring, with olive undertones, but he also had a mix of some caucasian from one parent, and so his skin was not very dark. His skin was similar to that of your baby’s. He had almost black hair, though, and brown green eyes. He looked quite Mediteranean but not 100%. There are so many different skin tones in that geographical area. It’s fascinating. I love skin colors and ethnic tones. They are all so varied and beauitful.

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Coming back to look at this again I think what is throwing your baby off is the red blushing colors I am seeing on it. I would think an Olive toned baby would have more brown creases and very little blushing on the overall skin. More the pink palms and soles like the baby pic I put up. I also agree Olive skin tones are varied in intensity.

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Thanks everyone! I forgot to put in the first post that he’s not my work but one I am inspired by. His artist is Melinda Steagall of BB Studio Babies (I have permission to share.) One thing I didn’t notice in the pictures is if he had mottling or not. I don’t think the pictures of the baby Angie shared had mottling.


I have an olive skin tone. (Italian on both sides of my family.) You are getting there. Dark hair will really bring out the look you want.

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Yeah, light pink tones would be good. My friend had some pink in his skin with the olive coloring.

I’m wondering, do most lighter skinned babies have at least some mottling, even if they are not fully Caucasian?

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Here are some pics of my sister’s grandkids. I would definitely call them olive. They are half white and half Hispanic. Eli is darker than Avianna, and the older he gets, the darker he gets. As babies, his skin tone was more even than hers. But in the pic of him with his mouth wide open, you can see his splotchiness. Not really mottling. But stippling. But as you can see in the pic of them together, Avianna had mottling on her big fat legs.


Your sister’s grandkids are absolutely adorable!

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Such beautiful children!

Aren’t they though?! Look at all that fatness and hair. This is them right when they turned a year old. Avianna already had hair down to the middle of her back. :open_mouth::heart:


Beautiful children…


Such precious kids!

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