I mean one that you really don’t like… Like ewwwwww…I really don’t like that baby!!!
Yes! And sometimes they’re really popular kits too! But that’s what’s great about reborning…a sculpt you might hate, other people might love! And sometimes the sculpts I hate grow on me, too.
YES! But I do have a plan to make it more socially acceptable. I know what you mean Izzy. My little Tommy grew on me but he’ s definitely not pretty. There has been quite a bit of interest in him though.
I used to not like Dumplin at all, but recently I have been seeing some reborn versions of her that really changed my mind. I’m even thinking of reborning her someday like a personal challenge. If it’s done right gosh it’s really cute!
Jake and Irelyn come to mind
I could never understand the popularity of Quinlynn, Serenity, or Anastasia, but I know a lot of people on this forum absolutely love them.
Polly Maynard!!!
Speaking of Josie, she almost reminds me of a sleeping Lola the Chimp @DancesWithDolls
I have wanted to reborn Anastasia, but she reminds me of a child I knew years ago, who was such a beautiful child, but grew up to be one strange adult. So I just can’t make myself reborn her.
Yes…Joey by Tasha Edenholm. I’m sad to say that there is nothing about that sculpt that I like.
I absolutely agree with Nikki. I do not like Polly Maynard one little bit. To me, she looks like her face is melting.
@nikkiroc LoL…I think Polly is sooo cute, but she reminds of a neanderthal baby or the offspring of the Geico caveman
LoL @ Izzy josie, joey, paige and tanner are all strange looking, I have tanner, joey and paige, but couldn’t bring myself to get josie…she was a bit too much lol.
The other day online I found the ugliest reborns I’ve ever seen. The sculptors name wasn’t familiar (not that I know them all anyway), but I’m going to go look in my history and find them. They are seriously jacked up.
Found Um…
As ugly as they are I would totally buy them just to see what they’d look like painted.
Oh no…those two I just couldn’t do! The first makes my wrists hurt just looking at him and the second, I can’t get past that nose!
Lol…told you they were ugly. I’m guessing maybe they weren’t very popular because when I google search them only 1 or 2 pictures come up of completed babies.
I hate Celeste’s mouth… and Elsie reminds me of a sloth. Also Paige, Joey, Josie and Tanner are on my not fond of list, but are cute depending on artist. Same with Irelyn and Jacelyn.
I really think it depends on the pictures too. lol These ones do not push my must have button…
But some may be cute with someone’s magic touch! lol
Oh I love tomas pigott, I have him on pre-order. Who are the 2nd and 4th picture?
Lol I love number 3!!! Lol
#1 was Nixon By Joanna Kazmierczak LE
#2 was Makena by Iris Clement
#3 wasTomas By Jorja Pigott
#4 was Editha By Corina Z Wagner