Did anybody get Max today?

My Max just arrived. He’s not my first full body kit (I have a Coco by Natali Blick) but he is so different! I think I like him almost as much, but for very different reasons. He’s much more compact, which is great given the fact that he’s a full body sculpt and vinyl can get kind of bulky. Plus he’s much cheaper than a Coco or a LLE with full torso. I like mini babies… my very first reborn was a Bean by LLE, so maybe I’m biased! Either way, I’m happy. :grin:

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mind came today to


the mailman is here! i’m hiding cause I’m afraid he’s going to throw the box at me!


Oh my,he is adorable. I think I’m gonna start on him right now!. I feel so immature, I was reading the posts about painting his wee-wee, and thinking to myself, Ahh It won’t be a big deal. I’m sitting here laughing as it is the cutest little thing! Yes, I’m such a weirdo.


I’m supposed to be working on my garage sale, but Max came and ALL I want to do is paint him NOW!!!


Mine came today and I’m just getting ready to give him a bath so I can have him all ready to paint. He’s got great details, and his proportions are perfect! I love that he’s sort of curled up still, and that you can see his little spine.

As for putting him on a cloth body, it looks like you might be able to make your own flange by cutting at the base of the neck at the shoulder level. Sort of hard to explain unless you are looking at the kit taken apart, but it’s got a perfectly round edge that could be the flange. I’m no expert, but it really does look like it’s almost made to make this possible. You’d probably need to reinforce the flange a little with some sculpy or something similar on the inside to keep the shape once it’s cut. Just had another idea…you could probably insert the cut piece into a neck ring if there is one the right size and glue it in place. That would reinforce it and make it possible to attach it to the cloth body like any other kit. I’m intrigued by the possibility. If anyone does end up doing it this way, I hope you’ll let us all know how it works! After cutting the neck flange out you’d still end up with maybe a belly plate and a back plate for photos.

Can you tell I love him already???


Maybe just put his body in a preemie cloth body with batting Could you pop his apendages over material?

I had no intention of ordering Max…yet. I was going to be good and not spend any money. But when I saw they have seconds just now…I couldn’t resist. So…if there will be a Max challenge, I’m in!


I’m going to try a cloth body too. I like the cuddle factor and then he can have a belly plate… and back plate :wink:


Thank you @jlesser

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Uh, Ok I have a question. Sorry if it’s a dumb one. How do we fill/stuff max?? Glass in arms and legs, head with poly fill only? Can I stuff his body with poly fill? I’m a little confused, sorry :joy:


@wispywillowrebo thank you for the photo. My camera is acting up and I wasn’t able to take one. I’m glad you think it might work too!

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I’m going to try. Just too many babies in the kitchen at the moment.

Warm the parts…they’ll go together easier.


I’m not gonna say it…I’m not gonna say it…!!!:blush: Now where is that emoji with the zipper on it’s mouth???


:zipper_mouth: :flushed:


Zipper face! The forum mascot! :zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::wink:


Lol it comes in handy!!!

But I’m hoping for better days when our mascot can be :dog: :wine_glass: <- if my mom asks, that’s grape juice.


@BlissfulBabies second time I’ve spit out my water today!!