Danyell Taylor

Hi all! I’m in the market for a reborn and I found a lady on Facebook who’s name is Danyell Taylor who is doing customs for a holiday sell price, but she hasn’t had a facebook very long and I’m feeling slightly weary because I’ve heard some aweful scam stories recently. Anyone worked with this artist before or have any ideas? Thanks!

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I never heard of this person but perhaps ask from images of recent work, detailed photos and perhaps references.

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Thank you! I actually just asked to see some more work and I’m trying to patiently wait for a response

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Go in the scammer groups on facebook and search her name.


My first thought is: Is she offering “customs” for a holiday sale price for Christmas? If she is offering this service to the general public------time is running out to actually DO these dolls!! This is the end of November and most reborns take a while to do, so how does she propose to DO dolls for possibly many people before Christmas? Or did I misread this altogether and is she just offering a “good deal” on cost which has nothing to do with Christmas? Just wondering.


several people on facebook are saying they still have spots available for Christmas customs and I can just imagine what those quickie babies will look like.


Oh goodness. I don’t know this lady but I will say. Please don’t do this. You don’t want a rushed baby. These dolls are art. They take time and skill.
Can I ask what her price is she is offering them for?


I just went and looked her up on Facebook. She only has 8 friends. Her profile says she’s a reborn artist. But I can’t see any dolls on her page. I wouldn’t trust anything about this situation. :confused:


I wrote an article on my website about customs. It in no way is meant to put custom artists down because in my opinion the good ones are saints. I am also not claiming to know it all, I don’t but damn if I haven’t had clients who were scammed horribly and it breaks my heart.

The most important thing is to ask to see photos of her work, not other artists work. If she is marketing with prototype photos that are not hers then it’s a red flag, especially if her work isn’t front and center. She could be a newbie, and you can toss the dice, but don’t pay top dollar and don’t expect a perfect baby and don’t slam her later if she was open about being new and not experienced.

Forgive my editing, the post went live before I autochecked.



With sp many talented artist on the forum whose work you can see why look else where. Ask someone on this forum and get a baby you can be sure of and not scammed. You have all this talent right here.


She’s is offering them for a Christmas deal and I had talked to her about ordering right after the holidays to see if I could keep the same price because that’s the best time for me. I found her in a group on Facebook though and she said she was new to Facebook and I figured maybe she wasn’t doing as many and that’s why she was trying to sell them but I asked last night to see more pictures of her work on pm and she read it with no response, so I don’t plan on ordering from her anymore!


Well I had found her on a group on Facebook for artists and the pictures of “her work” she had up were beautiful but I don’t think they are hers so I’m planning on finding someone new


Thank you! I asked for more pictures of her work on Facebook messenger where we had talked before and she read it with no response… I’m not planning on ordering anymore!


Yeah, I had been weary at first but felt better after talking to her but when I asked for more pictures she never replied so I’m very weary again! I don’t plan on buying from her anymore


Yeah, I had talked to her about getting mine right after the holidays at the same price which is why I was leaning towards her but I think I’m going to wait and find someone else!


I was planning on ordering right after the holidays because she is offering them for 150 and I had asked if I could order right after the holidays at the same price and I figured that would give her more time for more quality work but I’ve decided to wait and find another artist or save the money I was planning on spending for one of the sculpts I’ve really fallen in love with!

150$ isn’t bad. But imo I would wait and save. Another hundred or so could get you A gorgeous baby. And you can research and choose the best artist for you


Yeah im going to do that! I’ve had my eye on a couple alternative babies and high end ones…

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Nope nope nope!

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I’ve seen well known artists and more expensive reborners ask for a price to even get on a waiting list over a year long. They work based on which dolls are paid up or on. That’s fine but what about paying to be on their waiting list?

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