Current fav. To preorder

What are everyone’s favorite kits out right now that are avail. For preorder?

I am loving: Evangeline, Geneviere and Summer Rain. I don’t know if I spelled them right Nik, but I don’t want to go look them up.


I don’t do pre-orders but I love Blanca by Ping Lau,can’t decide about Haley Andrea by Laura Tuzio-Ross though she is one of my fav artist…and sort of thinking about Tamino by Iris Klement…and would have loved to have gotten Maize by Andrea Arcello but missed out on that one…and of course love BB’s Kimberley…


Maizie! Can’t wait to get her. :slight_smile:

Who is this Mazue… Going to look! :grinning:

I like Madison… I forget who it was on this forum that recently reborned her… It was amazing! Why are the new real born kits avail for preorder from TINKERBELLE creations?

Maizie by Andrea Arcello, technically she’s not on preorder anymore, she’s sold out. :smile:


I think they do a pre-order so they know how many kits to purchase from BB once they are released.

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I’ve got Tomas by Jorja Pigott and Samantha Gregory’s Clark on pre-order. I really want Chobby the Hobbit, but I start getting the panics with too many things on preorder so I’m hoping I’ll still be able to grab one once he’s released.

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Same one as everyone else pretty much. I try not to pre-order though.

I’m trying to find one I want to do when my ban is up. I don’t care for any right now! What is happening to me???


Who is Chobby the Hobbit? Is he a real kit and who’s sculpt is it? I have not heard of this one.

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Me, too, Izzy! :smile: :heart_eyes:

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Chobby is awake, Cherry is asleep (I think). They’re by Lenka Polacek and she’s running a proto contest on them too. :slight_smile:


Well I currently have 3-4 on preorder. Don’t exactly remember which! lol I thinking of pre-ordering Nova by Cassie Brace when she is available to do so. It’s something about her that I really like. Also Mia by Heike Kolpin. I’m currently banned from purchasing anymore kits until the new year unless for custom :smile:

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Thank you Izzy, I had no idea who they were. The one with the open eyes really is cute.

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@izzy Yes you’re right, Chobby is the awake one.

@lynn I think he’s sooo adorable. Cherry is cute too, but idk, something about chobby just makes me giggle when I see him. I don’t really know how popular chobby is…or ever will be for that matter lol. I seem to gravitate to a lot of sculpts that aren’t very popular or sought after. Which unfortunately doesn’t make for great business, but it keeps me happy and having fun in the hobby.


I am so with you there!!! I pass so many dolls cause they don’t seem to appeal to me. Sometimes I kick my butt later for that.


Yeah me too. Then trying to find one later after the smoke has cleared usually produces failed results…or prices I refuse to pay. Another reborn artist also told me once that the preemie babies (which are my absolute favorites) are not all that good for business either, and that I should follow and purchase kits by the more popular sculptors because they sell better.


That’s my issue also. I tend to love the ones that are not popular. I don’t care for the ones that are. It’s weird, my taste. I am thinking about doing opposite of what I think.

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