Compulsive forum checking

Ha ha. Other than being smart and playful, no other similarities. He’s only about 5 lbs, but he’s all boy and loves to rough house with my now, ex-husband. At the same time, he is my 8 yr old daughter’s constant companion. He tolerates her carrying him around, even outside. When I give him the signal in the morning, he runs into her room, jumps on her bed and helps me wake her up. She loves it!

My son (he is 24) thinks the dolls are creepy because they do look so real. He wants to me to make obne look like a zombie. I told him if he bought all the stuff I would turn one into a zombie just for him, but I wasn’t wasting my money on these cute little things to make a zombie baby LOL.

My boyfriend thinks it is kinda neat. I don’t want him to think I am weird or that the dolls are creepy. I would love to find a cradle to use for posing and pictures, but I am afraid he will think I have lost it LOL. I already have boy and girl baby clothes hanging in the chifferobe where he keeps some of his things LOL.

On the other hand my daughter, mother, aunts, and sister think the dolls are beautiful and awesome.

My 27 yr old son wants a doll to take with him when he goes to the sports bar. He says they’d be a great “chick magnet”. He also thinks it would be fun to do tricks to scare people such as dropping the baby, picking it up by the leg, etc. I told him he wasn’t getting one of my babies.


Checking in and showing the bassinet I was referring to in my last post :slight_smile:

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Cute bassinet!

Thank you! It is Peter Rabbit, Walmart has them like $20 off regular price. Still kinda high, but this baby won’t grow out of it in 2 months, LOL!

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That is so true! I love being able to buy them better clothes and such simply because they’ll be able to use them for a very long time.

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