Come to Jesus meeting with my husband

Whew! My husband just had a real fit with me. He said I better make one to sell because he’s sick of how much money I’m spending without me even selling one yet. Ok ok dude, I got this, chill your britches! I have too many kits and I need to pick one to paint with at least the intention of selling. We will see if the process leads me to an actual sellable doll. Since it will only be my third, maybe it will, maybe not. What’s been the best selling BB kits that you have sold recently as far as the kit being in demand? Crossing my fingers that we can come up with a match of a good selling kit and one I actually already have here. Thanks in advance for your recommendations. :pray:t2:


If you aren’t keeping your Clyde for yourself there is no reason he wouldn’t sell, you did a nice job on him. I’ve seen babies for sale that were nowhere near someone’s first or second babies that were not as nice as yours.


Skya is a great seller for me but she’s out of stock, Laila asleep is a great seller for me and is beautiful :heart: And Summer Rain, and she’s out of stock too :heart:


Maybe tell us what you have?


I would just sell the husband and keep spending the money :joy:


I can’t say a word. I have purchased 11 kits and painted all for family members. I am going to try and take a break to paint my diamond painting to stop spending money on kits. :laughing:


My hubby stopped complaining years ago. I have my own PayPal and credit cards. I used to plan my deliveries when he wasn’t home. I started in 2005. Now when he gets a box he say there is a baby here.

For me sleeping newborn Joseph, Johanna, Alma, Skyla, Summer Rain, and Shyann is a great seller for me.


lol, good idea :joy:


I’ll get a list once I get out of class. I have one but want to make sure everything is on it before I post. Also, my son has claimed Clyde for his baby. I teared up, he’s 9. I’m so happy that he feels comfortable with wanting his own doll. I feel like I must have gotten something right along the way. He loves holding his sisters dolls so I’m not surprised. Also, thank you so much. :revolving_hearts:


You can ask him how much tools he have without having selling …
In my case, computer pieces… it worked for me :wink:

I never noticed a kit selling faster than an other personally, except my Brooklyn (within a day).


@Jaclyn1, yours is the post of the day!!


:joy::joy: can you tell I’m single ?


Ok, now that’s a good point. He’s an engineer and every single time he starts a project he does it over and beyond what I think anyone else would even fathom doing. He has more tools than a machine shop! I told him for my birthday (mid April) that I wanted a small swimming pool to help us get through quarantine. I would have been fine with something ordered from amazon that took a few hours to set up. But, it took him until mid June to get it together. He built a 16x16 foot rebar enforced sandbox to put it in, ran in ground plumbing and electricity, installed an entire back yard drainage system with pipes (you know…because of overflow), got a real pool pump, etc etc etc for a 8’ diameter above ground stock tank pool. He’s even got the chemical treatment just right, installed an outdoor shower with concrete pad, landscaped around it, build a deck behind it to cover the pump…just really over done but hey, it’s super nice. I love this man and I am so thankful but good gracious he over does it too. I need to stop feeling bad! Maybe he just doesn’t want me spending money he could be spending on his projects. :joy:

Here’s a picture of an early WIP for his project, there’s been a lot more done since then:


That is nice that he is ok with dolls, you for sure don’t want to sell it on him.


Mine is exactly like this too ! The smallest project take big times because he is so perfectionist !
That’s a wonderful pool tho !


LOLOL! I have heard such things from other people on other topics. :slight_smile:


Seems that with all that work, planning and expense he would have made a huge pool! It would last for ages. :slight_smile: The only pool I had was an above ground, I think it was 18’ across. Not huge, but I don’t swim and it was fun to play in and cool off in. The grandkids were small then, and they loved it!


I wish my hubby would over do something that ended like that :joy::heart: Pretty cool end result :blush:


You are just adorable. :heart: Just DO IT. :kiss:


One of the newer ones. Novelty always sells, even if you don’t personally like it