Collectors-how attached are you to your reborns?

I follow a relatively popular reborn collector on YouTube. She often sells one of her dolls to purchase a different one. I don’t judge her for this, to each their own.

But it got me to thinking: I have six reborns and I am attached to all of them. I would miss any one of them if I were to sell one. I don’t plan on ever selling them.

I’m curious: What side of the fence are you on regarding this? It’ll be interesting, I think. I can’t wait to see the responses!


I don’t do anything just a little. So I have way more kits than I’ll ever paint and I have way more reborns than I’ll ever have need for. I’ve sold some of my collection over the years as I’ve become less attached to them and as more kits/sculpts have come along. I have some that I think I will never let go of though. There are some that I used to say that about though and could let go with no hesitation today.


I have several that I want to be less attached to :stuck_out_tongue: I wish I could sell my Grayson Brown, but chances are I will not be able to replace him


I am not a collector, but I kept my first one and have sold the rest. However, it is hard to package up certain ones, especially if they’ve been in my office for a while.


For myself I’m a reborning mom… it’s hard to let people adopt my babies… even custom ones.
But for the babies I have made for myself and 1 I bought, I could never give them up. But that’s me!!
I know woman say they can’t bond with certain babies and that too I don’t understand… but I’m sure we all have a difference of opinion!
I always hope my babies stay with their new moms… but unfortunately one was resold because she got triple the money I charged :frowning:
Very interesting questions!!


He is adorable!


Thank you!

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I don’t get attached to them. I have one that I bought from someone that I have been watching for years. I love to change her little outfits and take a picture and I give her a snuggle. When I make them they are to sell if they’ve been here for a awhile and finally sell I feel like hey you’re leaving lol. I just get over it because it’s a doll.


Still, people can and do get attached to sentimental objects.


And sometimes that’s easier when they have a face or human features.


I reborn and collect and I’m quite attached to 2 of mine. Some I didn’t bond with and they were easy to sell or giveaway. The others—I change their clothes, take pics of them, and cuddle with them a lot. They actually relieve a lot of stress for me.


I have never intended to sell my babies. I have around 60 kits. I can’t think of any one of them I would want to just get rid of – and they are still blank! I am attached to my “things”. :slight_smile: But the babies are special. I told a friend a few days ago that if I want something I usually have to make it myself. That is the way I came about reborns. I wanted one and decided to make it myself. I can’t say she is awesome as far as the work goes, but she is very special to me. I don’t think I could just let her go without processing it first. :slight_smile:

ETA: I meant to say “most of them are still blank”. I just realized I had left out the “most”. :slight_smile:


You have plans to reborn and keep them all? Curious if you have put some blank kits together so you can at least enjoy them before then?


I only have reborns I made myself. I’m more attached to some than others. But I often make a reborn, keep it around for a year or so and then sell it.
The only one I really want to keep is my first. Not because I’m super attached, but because I like to be able to see where I started.


I never intended on being a collector. Over the years even the few kits I bought with intention to keep, I ended up selling…
However, my LouLou keeper, just the thought of selling him makes me “upset”.
I now have a second keeper and we’ll see how that goes once I get to meet him/her. (At home waiting for me to get back before I can see them in person)
Now I don’t plan (or could afford) to have a large collection.
LouLou was a spur of the moment baby, saw him and had to have him even though I never was a fan of the sculpt.
Second baby is Penelope Toner, who I’d loved for years but as a SOLE, hard to get ahold of.
There are a few kits out or coming out that I would like to have as keepers but 🤷 we’ll see.


I originally just wanted one for myself. Well, we all know how that goes. Years later, I’m still making them. I sell most of them. I kept my very first one-BB Jaden (discontinued), Bibo by Luciana Miglioranzi, Saoirse by Bonnie Brown, Treasure by Shawna Clymer, and Realborn Michael-portrait baby of my son (he’s never going anywhere). I’m very attached to all of them and would have to be desperate to sell even one of them. Ivy Jane by Melody Hess is the only one I’ve made that I regretted selling. Kodi Bear, who I’m working on now, is going to be hard to let go.


I’m very attached lol. I have quite a few in my collection (mostly blank kits weighted and assembled) and each one holds a special place in my heart…my newest one being realborn Dustin he is such a cutie and I find it nearly impossible to put him down.:heartpulse:


I have two reborns that are keepers. One of my kits is destined for keeper status. I would like to keep a few of my other kits, but that may be hard to get away with. I also have several kits that I will end up selling once they are completed.

I had intended to keep Kyrie when I purchased her kit, but as she got nearer to completion I decided somebody else might enjoy her more, so she will be for sale when done. (I had also picked up a limited edition kit and had to account for the amount of doll space I realistically have.)

All future dolls will be painted as though they are keepers, regardless of whether I plan to sell them or not. Somehow, it seems I feel a lot less pressure and more relaxation that way.


I have made many through the years ,some i have sold .There are ones that will stay forever :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But i will be selling some .but that is the problem i just ask my husband recently wich one to sell
He chose 4 Lulu By Adrie Stoete . Tina Kewy Freya , Lilianne Breedveld Fynn ,Bonnie Brown Buttercup
Now i am thinking were to sell them because by us here they hard to sell they always wanted for les then 100,00 euro ?


They are so cute!