Collectors-how attached are you to your reborns?

“Hey, you’re leaving!”:joy::joy:

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Kodi Bear is a cute one.

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I can see how the change of perspective would help;as you’re creating them.


:joy: :joy: Yup!! It’s kind of a shock and they deserve a little kiss and snuggle. :joy:


No, I haven’t put blanks together – the thought has crossed my mind, but nope. Yes, I always planned to keep them all. I may end up having to get rid of some – who knows? Or, I may just display them all over the house. We have a pretty large house and it is just hubby and I. :slight_smile:


I have a couple of blanks put together because they don’t have bags to be in and my kit cubby is getting a bit crowded. A bonus is that they’re cute, even unpainted.


@Ladybuggirl thank you.
@TrinityCrystal That’s a good way to think about it when you start to paint.


As the years have gone by and the hobby has grown, so have my tastes. I’ve only sold one of mine from my collection, and I don’t regret it at all because I was able to get another one whom I love to pieces! That being said, there are a few who I could part with and it not be a big deal. Others, I would never be able to let go! I used to think that I would never sell any, but like I said, my tastes have changed, and new kits are constantly coming out. I think it’s natural to want something “new” in your collection, and most of us don’t have space for the old as well.


I think you can do whatever you want with the kit you buy as it is yours.