Cloudy Crackling Glazed Eyes

No I can’t do 4 hours sleep…I’d be a waste of space.

I wish I needed less sleep! My sister sleeps maybe 4 hours a night and is a rockstar. She is queen of the cat naps though, I can’t nap to save my life! And I have tried! I only can sleep when I am all the way worn out from the day!

I love to sleep too!!! I :heart:️ SLEEP


It’s Sunday! Take one!!!:+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Lolololol thinking is not doing Lololol

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Yes, that is the product I use. I have used it for years. I dip my clean brush into clean distilled water. Be sure it is dampened but not dripping wet. Using a damp brush helps to thin the sealer a little so it spreads easier. I put a drop or two in each eye. Rinse the brush off and repeat the process in the other eye. I set the head tilted back some so the majority of the glaze runs up to the upper eyelash area to help seal it in place. Let dry several hours.

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thank you so much! I have an open eye baby now I need to seal eyes and create that wet look. I want to try it . I just was worried that over time it will cloud or crack

NO Offense here. I appreciate any feedback or advice/warning. Please share more of that! Its better to be aware than sorry!

I do wonder if sometimes the clouding and cracking is also brought on by what the baby is exposed to such as extreme temps, dampness, rough handling etc.


Could be very possible…I have wondered that myself…Many places have extreme climates and high humidity so could be a factor for sure…

I don’t profess to know every single product being used to glaze eyes either so there may very well be products that don’t have problems…I am only speaking about ones that have come to me to fix and I don’t always know what product was used…

I think it is wonderful to hear others opinions, different experiences and ideas. I learn things every day too which I hope continues all my life…

Ultimately, it is an artist choice what they wish to do. :smile:

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Hey sorry for the long delay. Finally checked out Lulu’s eyes and did a search on the net and I think these are the eyes she has .
Reborn doll eyes 22mm Half Round HEAVENLY BLUE @ Anne Made Reborn Supplies Australia.

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Thank you!!! I’m going to see if they ship to the USA!! Thank you!!!