Cloudy Crackling Glazed Eyes

Hi Ladies, Just picked up this doll from the PO Friday…was sent by one of my regular customers…She had emailed and asked if I could re-stuff and re-weight and either fix or replace the eyes because they were going a bit cloudy and crackled.(this was not one of my dolls - is another artist work and is beautifully reborn so a shame about the eyes… :disappointed: .)…here is a picture of what happens with one type of glaze…Looking at it, it is probably Aleena’s Paper Glaze because it is not as bad as some of the other glazes - I have had to replace the eyes because of worse glazes…These can probably be salvaged because the glaze is thinly applied and not super thick like some I have seen…Usually the thicker the glaze the worst it becomes over time…IME .The picture is not great because I had to use a flash so it tends to reflect some…In person they are more cloudy than what they appear in the photos and have crackled appearance…I get probably 4 - 5 dolls a year from different people needing eyes cleaned or replaced because of glazes…not saying there may not be a glaze out there that doesn’t cloud or go sticky over time but I don’t know of one? Aleena’s is usually less messy and can be cleaned off if it is thinly applied much easier than some of the others that go really gooey and more cloudy and have to just replace the eyes because they are so bad…


AND…here is another NONO…this is what I found in this little bubs…

It is metal shot beads…as you can see they have rusted and had already started bleeding though the gauze. The shot was encased inside another gauze bag with poly pellets and as you can see, rust was already starting to bleed through the gauze and would have eventually stained the baby’s body if it had not been found at this stage…


Poor baby! I wonder if the glaze was Ceramcoat, applied way too thick??? I’ve had lousy luck with glazing eyes over the years, even though I love the look of wet eyes that it gives I don’t do it any more. Gosh. Making me wonder if any of the babies I’ve done has had this happen :confused: Reborning is still a relatively new art as far as I know, so we’re kind of just starting to see the effects of time ~ like we don’t paint inside the limbs anymore since we know it tends to give a bruised baby look after a while.

Just sort of pondering and thinking out loud. It’s way too early for me to make any sense.

She sent her baby to the right place! Be sure and show us some “afters!” :blush:


At least the eye replacement is quite simple although fiddly but I don’t like those steel pellets. Yikes!!
Yeah don’t think I will use the glaze again. Lulu’s eyes still look good but we will see.

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That’s why I never used those metal beads, I have always been afraid of something like that happening. Now I see I made the right call. Although I have like Karen used the paper glaze on just a couple dolls.

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Here is a before and after…got one eye clean so didn’t have to replace it…hoping the other cleans up as well…I was trying to keep from having to replace the lashes because I don’t have any blonde ones in stock at the moment but think I am going to have to tell her that it will be a few days cause I need to order and replace the lashes. or do you think they look ok as is??? :scream:


I think the lashes look fine. How did you clean the eyes?

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I did it too when I first started reborning back in 2009…it was sort of the ‘thing to do’…at the time…I do like the look if it is done very thinly but haven’t used it for years now…have always wondered if it might be why some of my earlier buyers didn’t come back years later…either that or my first babies weren’t all that crash hot…probably the later…hahahahaha!


Oh Yuk!!!

You got the eye so clear!!! Did you use alcohol preps to remove the old glazing? I’ve resigned myself to using Lausha German glass eyes on the babies that I make. I’ve tried glazing and it just doesn’t work out well for me.


I have only glazed two babies. I love the look, but there are just too many horror stories about this. Is it okay to put glaze just around the inside rim of the eye?

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I have used a thin layer of Delta Gloss Varnish over eyes for years and never had any to crackle, cloud etc. of mine. I know because I have babies here in my own collection I did with it.


I really can’t say…I have been cleaning the eyes on quite a few over the last 7 years from numerous artist, including myself in the early days…lol …I can only say what my experience is and I would think that environment, weather and other things would affect how long a product is going to take to react to those factors…(or if there will be a problem at all…) I have never really known all the different product brands that were used but I do know that there have been a number of different ones that have been popular over the years and judging by the different kinds of problems I have seen, it is obvious that they have been from different products - some go sticky or gooey and others cloudy or crackled…

If I had to put a time frame on it, I would say within 2 - 4 years is usually when I have seen the problem arise…whether every single dolls eyes will go off or just certain ones I don’t know… Personally, I don’t take the chance but it is a personal choice and if a person is happy to use it, I think it is their right to do what they feel comfortable with so I would never tell someone else NOT to do something…only report what I have found over the past 7 years… :smile:

I have never seen any problem with the glaze around the eye rim…It is pretty much the same as putting it on the lips or nails of a doll I would think? :smile:


I do not glaze the eyes on mine because I had heard right off the bat that this would occur. The dirty look would kick in later, I am so grossed out that they used metal shot, why not just use glass beads. Glad you are fixing this baby, I do like her eyelashes and eyebrows. I hope you can salvage the eyelashes :blush:


Has anyone ever tried polyurethane to glaze the eyes?

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I think the lashes still look great. Good fix Starr!

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Actually, I use to skeet shoot as well as participate in combat pistol and high power rifle shoots when I was in my 30’s and I reloaded my own rounds for the matches so without being contrary here…Shot beads do rust if they are not stored in a container where moisture does not reach them…(these are steel beads - lead ones may not rust but they cause black marks so IMO shouldn’t be used either).The moisture in the air is enough, over time to rust shot beads…The only other weighting in this doll was poly pellets and this little shot pouch was actually enclosed in a separate gauze bag in the middle of the poly pellets and surrounded by fibrefill. I did not even realize they were in there till I opened the big gauze bag to see what was causing the staining to come though. The lady that sent her is an avid collector who is very particular about her dolls so not likely this little fella would have ever had a bath… :wink:


@annalane58, @mamadar82, thanks on the eyelashes…If you ladies think they look ok, I will just leave them and save me some time and make his mom happy that he will be going home Monday instead of the end of the week…(Better order those blonde lashes still cause I may need them in the future…) :smile:

I haven’t heard of it but I’ll be watching to see if anyone has tried it and how it works :smile:


Bountiful baby sells size 7 steel shot for weighting… I have never bought them but they are for sale in the weighting category.


This us good news for me… Because I can’t seem to get the glaze right!!! @Missly21 can you tell me what color and kind of eyes you used for your Lulu?