Cloudy Crackling Glazed Eyes

Are you talking about this?

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Thatā€™s the one I have, and I still canā€™t get it right!

I am truly sorry ladies if I have offended anyoneā€¦That was not my intentionā€¦I honestly did not realize reborners are using buckshot for weighting these days or I would not have mentioned itā€¦There is a slight difference in BBā€™s verses buckshot - not just the size but the type of coating used on them so I was referring more to the small buckshot and not BBs (I honestly didnā€™t know anyone used BBs at all so I guess I need to come out from under my rock and look aroundā€¦lol - so I apologize if my mention above was offensive - it was just meant to be instructional so that people could see what can happen if the wrong products are usedā€¦)

Not that it matters but just a little bit of info if you do intend to use BBs for weighting - Stainless steel is basically just an alloy steel meaning some form of steel mixed with chrome. The chrome forms a protective layer over the metal and the amount of chrome used has a direct effect on how well the stainless steel item holds up to environment. There are many different alloy mixes but to be ā€˜stainlessā€™ it must be some form of steel mixed with chrome. Many of the shiny BBs are actually a steel alloy covered with a zinc coatingā€¦Copper coated BBā€™s corrode much more quickly than the othersā€¦

Putting them in the rubber gloves might work great? Mostly, I just wanted to say, I did not mean to offend any oneā€¦

Ultimately, each reborner has to do what they feel is best for their dollsā€¦ :smile:


Oh Starrā€¦I donā€™t think you offended anyoneā€¦I, for one, appreciate all the great info!!!

People can take it and
use it
or not use it
(the information you gave) as they wishā€¦
some people do like the look of glaze on the eyesā€¦
but it always made me think of how my kids looked when they
had a coldā€¦haha!!!

I only did it on a couple of babiesā€¦then gave it upā€¦I had alot of trouble getting it applied evenlyā€¦grrrā€¦


Thanks Cherieā€¦very appreciatedā€¦ :smile: sometimes when I type things I forget that people on the other end may not know me well enough to know I am genuine in trying to help othersā€¦lol. :blush:


I think you were fine Starr! Your replies are always helpful.


I, for one - being new- always appreciate all the advice you give - I think you are a very knowledgeable lady in your craft. Itā€™s awesome that you are secure enough with your talent to help others. Not everyone would be so nice. So thank you :wink:


Nikki, I will try to find the packet they came in or alternately the order from 2014. Wish me luck. I know they are acrylic and came from Vynetteā€™s Bassinette shop here in Australia. Iā€™ll get back to you. :smiley:

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Your advice is always awesome. So are your babies! You are always here to help and that is great. I actually find myself seeing you commented on a post and I go read itā€¦ because you repliedā€¦ lol.

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Thatā€™s so awesome @Missly21 but if you canā€™tā€¦ Iā€™ll just try to find a close matchā¤ļø

She has these ā€¦donā€™t think they are the same tho. Have to check on that in the morningā€¦well ā€¦later in the morning. Old night owl me is still up @ 4am. LOL

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You have a sharp eyeā€¦it was Willā€¦He was well painted an rootedā€¦the reborner did a very lovely job so was a shame that this ā€˜innardsā€™ were a little offā€¦Fortunately we caught it though I did give him a new body just the sameā€¦he is all packed and heading home in a few hoursā€¦I do love seeing other artist work so that is the nice part about getting some to fix up even if it is just something minorā€¦ :smile:


Ahh Iā€™m not the only Aussie night owl LOL

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Heeheeā€¦I am always up all nightā€¦I go to bed between 5am - 7am every morningā€¦I have always been that way. Thankfully hubby is a night owl too or we would never see each other. lol :smile:


Yes I can relate, I see daylight first before sleep. Iā€™m like a possum, canā€™t close my eyes.

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Hahahaha, I told my hubby we must be ā€œMole Peopleā€ because we come out in the dark and go in when itā€™s daylightā€¦lol

Thanks Michelleā€¦He is nice and cuddly nowā€¦ :kissing_heart:


LOL I only do the late late shifts at work, I tended to run into walls when asked to do an early start. I was a danger to myself. But it seems that almost everyone else prefers the early shifts so ā€¦works for me.

@Missly21 When you sleep how long do you sleep for? And how about you @westernstarr??? I go to sleep at about 3 am butā€¦ I like to sleep til at least 9! Beauty sleep is not overrated!!! I soak up all I can get!!!

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I do 8 hours especially if I have to go to work that afternoon. I donā€™t think my beauty sleep works anymore. Used to tho. Lol

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We are the sameā€¦lol I hate morningsā€¦Even when I was a manager, I would schedule myself for the night shift so rarely worked morningsā€¦It is funny, I can sleep 4 - 5 hours during the day and go all night but if I go to sleep at night - not only does it take me an hour or longer to drop off, I could sleep 10 hours and still wake up so tired I can barely see straightā€¦

I sleep 4 - 6 hours usuallyā€¦then about once every 6 month I crash and sleep about 10 hours - then Iā€™m good to go for another 6 monthsā€¦lol


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