Clothes for heather?

I was just wondering what size clothing Heather by Donna RuBert wears? I just ordered her and she is SO adorable! so glad she was on sale. (also i’d love to see your versions of her)

She’s pretty big. I always by 3 month size clothes for her.

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Thanks bunches! (gotta go shopping now😜)

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Definately. Any excuse to go shopping is great. Oh, I was going to say, you might want to try a slightly smaller body than the one BB suggests. I find her kind of awkwardly long. I don’t have a suggestion I just know if I was doing her again I would alter or change the body a bit.


I’m going to try and alter the body to make it similar to the new real born bodies. Thanks for your help too😀

I used the BB body for her. and size 3-6 m clothing,
she is adorable :smile:
enjoy !!

She was the very first reborn that I made and she is just awful, but I love her to pieces.


Sounds kinda like Libby…Libby is a big baby but I love her!

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Thank you all for answering, I can’t wait till she arrives! She just has the sweetest little face I’ve ever seen and she’s my favorite RuBert sculpt by far.

I named mine Serenity and she is seriously calming. If I am feeling stressed, I can just look at her little face and feel peace. She looks like she is having the sweetest dreams ever.


Aww that’s so sweet! Can I see a pic of her if you don’t mind? I can’t wait she should be here tomorrow😀

Oh and serenity is a PERFECT name! a very calming name for a very calming baby:)

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I’ll see if I have any, but she is my very first reborn and VERY poorly executed!


She’s cute!
I’m making Heather for a friend for Christmas :slight_smile:


She’s adorable I love her😍

She’s my sweetie. She looks like my daughter Charlotte.I likve this photo cause you can’t see how really terrible my first rooting job was!


That’s funny I’m in the process of rooting a Megan right now:) heather and Megan are just perfect little girls.

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They are! Both so peaceful looking.

I haven’t done Megan. Maybe I should. Somebody stop me! I’m in the middle of Presley and already looking for more. Sheesh!


I think you should! She’s so sweet!
Oops…Not helping lol
I’m waiting for Clyde. My next baby is my custom Asher awake.