Clothes for heather?

This is only my second rooting but a BIG improvement from my 1st…


Looking good, Sierra!

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Looks great so far! Such a pretty baby! Looking forward to seeing her finished!

Thank you! She’s the first one I’ve done that I’d feel comfortable enough to sell.:slight_smile: was going to keep her but I’m in love with heathers little face (and heathers size is perfect)

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Good luck selling :slight_smile: I’m sure she’ll sell quickly,She’s so cute

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Thank you!

Don’t let her go too cheap.
I think I sold Elsie too cheap,Even if she was only my second baby and first sale. Her mommy loves her though

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Yes, I think the preemies are kinda’ small but I do love Megan! :heart_eyes:

That’s only your second rooting? Great job.


Yep @honojane she’s my 4th reborn and my second rooted, thank you all for the nice comments and help:)

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My pleasure!

She wears 3 months size (UK)
This is my version Redirecting...


Heather’s head alone is size 3-6M.

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Your Heather is adorable! Love the hair:)

Here’s my heather so far


Your Heather is great so far. I love her lip color. I working on Heather also.

My Heather so far. She doesn’t have much going on right now.

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See what you did? Now I went and bought one, darn it. I just love Heather. I want to make a nice one. Since she was my first baby and terrible i want to make a new one.


@honojane at least she’s on sale lol


Thankyou xx