***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

Guess I can’t participate now. It’s okay though. I’m still doing the doll but just won’t enter in the contest :frowning: Since a few people already know what kit I was going to do since they helped me pick her out.

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DC…You definitely CAN most definitely enter the contest…That rule was added after the fact and did not apply. If you posted what kit you are doing just go in and delete it as we are all woman with lots on our minds and will forget by the time the challenge happens anyway…I will be so disappointed if you don’t enter!!!


I’m still not going to. I didn’t post it on the forum,But I did talk about it in messages with a few people.

Come on DC!!! You have to!!!

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No. It’s fine. I might enter the next one. I was just hoping to do this one because I’m doing the doll anyway. But my mom doesn’t even think my great-grandma will want the doll, So I might not do her at all.

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If my grandma doesn’t want the doll I won’t be doing her anyway. And my mom seems to think that she won’t want her. I don’t know why,She was there when my grandma saw Ella for the first time. But I’m still really not sure about the challenge. I don’t know if I really want to do it anyway. How about this…I will think about entering! But no guarantees!


Michelle!!! Lolol I totally did forget!!! How did you know??? See DC? I don’t count! Baby girl, I have my name written on my hand so that I remember it. :+1:t2::wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass:Lolol but seriously. Ok… ANNIE GAVE HER PIF TO DC. Then DC ENDED UP COMING UP WITH MY NEW NURSERY NAME! I’m sending you a kit DC, you little stinker! And your doing it for the challange. AND THAT IS THAT. End of convo! Don’t piss me off, I’m pregnant for christs sake! :wink::wink::wink:


Why can’t I like my own post??? Hahahahahhahahahah


Lol! Thanks Nikki! You always make me feel better. :heart: And Michelle too!
I don’t know if I want to participate though, I don’t do too good in challenges. And I don’t need anything else to be worried about. I will definitely think about it. But honestly, It’s almost 2am, I haven’t slept well lately and I’m totally freaking out about school, So I’m definitely overthinking this lol!


Can’t wait! This is going to be fun!


Sleep on it sweet pea:-) sweet dreams and we will harass you more tomorrow! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:smiley::smiley:


I will. :slight_smile: Or at least I’ll try to.


Try HARD! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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DC…it’s just for fun…It is like going to a fun party with your family and friends…There are people who are brand new at reborning who are joining the fun as well as the oldies and everyone in between…It is nice to win but really I think everyone has fun no matter if they win or not…It is about using our creative imagination and presenting something that adorable, cute or whatever…If you feel stressed about school than making a reborn baby is the best thing to pick up your spirits! and I think you SHOULD make a baby for your grand…she will love it for 2 reasons…first reason is that you loved her enough to make it for her…that is the best pressie ever…anyone can go out to the shop and buy a gift for someone but when you take the time to make something special that’s the most wonderful gift of all because it is from your heart and made with love…secondly…even people who say they don’t like them tend to be ‘closet cuddlers’…lol that means that once they have one of their own, they find that they love them more than they admitted. I have seen ladies that thought they were creepy or even silly do a total 180 when they were given one…I am not pressuring you to do the challenge…If you don’t want to do it, that is your choice because we all have reasons for what we do or don’t do…Just know that having told 2 people what kit you are doing is no reason to drop out…so if there is some other reason, we understand…and respect how you feel…we are all like family here and you are part of this ‘forum family’. We would love to have everyone do the challenge but won’t pressure you to do something if you don’t want to…That would take the fun out of it for you and we would never want to do that… :smile:


I already have. But it’s now 2:04 am, I was supposed to be asleep around 10…So it didn’t exactly work

I know Starr,That’s not what I’m worried about. Something about participating in challenges/contests or anything like that makes me weird(weirder than normal) and it isn’t fun anymore. So that’s why I’m not sure. I don’t care about winning lol

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We think you are wonderful and your little bubs are precious…I have watched you get better and better with every baby you do…You are not weird…You are a very beautiful person…I always ALWAYS love seeing your little creations when you post pictures…anyway, you go to sleep now and rest well…you may feel different in the morning…you have lots of time to think about what you want to do and even if you decide not to do this one…you will still be a part of it when you cast your vote…Really would love to see your little bubs in the line up though…heehee :smile:


Thanks! That means a lot!
Challenges aren’t usually fun for me, I don’t know why. That’s what I’m not sure about.
I don’t really have that much time, If I can’t save up the money then I can’t do it. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to. By the time I can get a job,It’ll already be the end of Oct. And that’s if I can get a job right away. Then I need to save up the money,Wait for shipping. I’ll probably need to buy her clothes online so I’ll have to wait for those. And I don’t know if I can do it.

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DC told me about a few she was planning on doing for Christmas gifts. I can’t remember most but still I’m not sure which you would do for the challenge @demonicchic12 lol so I think you should enter!!!

I think I’m for this challenge. YAY!


I bet your great grandma would love the doll​:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:


@smcoddi I think she would too. She loved the doll I took when I went to visit my great-grandpa in the hospital. She made me walk all around the hospital and telling people that it was her new grandchild lol

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